By Iris Farrou
08 Apr, 2021
Lifestyle Tips, Mental Health
Best gyns in Buffalo, Best OB practices in Buffalo, Best OBGYN Groups in Buffalo, birth control, Buffalo OB-GYN, Buffalo OBGYN, Chouchani MD, mental health tips, WNY OB-GYN, WNY Ob-gyn doctors, WNY OBGYN, women's health
The conversation around the side effects of hormonal birth control and contraceptive pills on mental health has been around for a while: you may have heard women recounting their negative experiences with heightened depression symptoms, or mood swings, when switching contraceptive methods. Though personal experiences are not medical research, they do warrant attention.
In 2016 a Danish study of more than 1 million women, which focused on analyzing nationwide health records, showed that women using hormonal birth control were more likely to be treated for depression. On the other side, studies conducted in the US and Finland have showed that hormonal birth control users report less symptoms of anxiety and depression. Though just what effect hormonal birth control can have on mental health differs, one thing is for sure: it does affect it.
Hormones and Mental Health
Though there are no mental health risks directly associated with the use of contraception, we do know hormones—and hormone imbalances—can have an impact on mental health. To start with, women are twice as likely as men to suffer from depression: this is a difference that starts in adolescence due to the changing levels of estrogen.
During the follicular phase, which is the time between the start of a period and ovulation, estrogen levels are high. However, individuals with depression demonstrate lower levels of estrogen at that time. Hormonal birth control is likely to affect the natural levels of hormones in someone’s body, and therefore cause mental health changes.
Types of Hormonal Contraception and their Effects
There are two types of implants: one containing the progestin etonogestrel and another containing the progestin levonorgestrel. Results of the Danish study concluded that use of the etonogestrel implant led to higher use of antidepressants, especially for teens. People using that for two years have also reported mood swings and depression attributed to the implant. The risk for depression seems to heighten with the etonogestrel implant, but studies remain somewhat inconclusive.
Hormonal IUD
The Danish study on hormonal IUD showed that adolescent IUD users were more likely to be treated for depression than adult IUD users. However, a Finnish study suggested that women using this method were just as likely to showcase symptoms of anxiety and depression as women who were not using it. Like the implant, there is some evidence that IUD increases chances of depression but no direct conclusion.
Combined Oral Contraceptives (COCc) contain both synthetic estrogen and progestin. Though the Danish study found that users of COCs aged 16-31 were more likely to be prescribed an antidepressant, several other studies have shown that birth control users are not more likely to have symptoms of depression. However, people using COCs for reasons other than birth control have been found more likely to have depression.
There are several other hormonal contraceptive methods that can potentially affect mental health, but the three examined above are the most commonly used. Results may remain inconclusive, but if you are taking a hormonal contraceptive method and you experience unusual symptoms, you may consider consulting your doctor or healthcare provider.
By Iris Farrou
21 Mar, 2021
Best gyns in Buffalo, Best OB practices in Buffalo, Best OBGYN Groups in Buffalo, Buffalo OB-GYN, Buffalo OBGYN, Chouchani MD, Normal menstruation cycle, WNY OB-GYN, WNY OBGYN, women's health tips

When your doctor asks when your last cycle was, there’s no need to jog down memory lane, as you can simply open an app on your smartphone. Cycle tracking apps are helpful with everything from monitoring mood and fertility to alerting us of reproductive system illnesses. If you search for “period tracker” in your app store, the 50+ choices can seem overwhelming.
Here’s a list of favorite cycle tracking apps:
Clue Period & Cycle Tracker
Clue has been accredited by the Obstetrics & Gynecology Journal (ACOG) as the Top Free Period Tracking App, the Best Fertility App by Healthline, and App of the Day Worldwide by the Apple App Store. Clue is female-led and doctor recommended. It lets you log cramps, mood fluctuations, sex drive, sleep schedule, food cravings, and over 30 other categories. The more consistently you log your cycle, the more accurately the app predicts your body’s rhythm. It also alerts you when certain changes or fluctuations may indicate a health issue. Clue’s custom push notifications notify you with shocking accuracy to events like the beginning of your cycle, ovulation, and PMS.
Life – Period Tracker Calendar
This sleek app integrates with HealthKit, allowing you to synchronize your custom data with your phone’s Health App. You can track nutrition, fitness, moods, weight, medication, and more in the most customizable app available. Life also integrates irregular cycle support and allows you to keep separate entries for each symptom so as to easily share it with your physician at a later time. Additionally, you can prevent false alerts about irregularities that may not concern you by personalizing your cycle length. Life is backed and used by licensed physicians, gynecologists and has over 50,000 glowing reviews.
Glow Period and Fertility Tracker
Glow is modern care for your fertility, plus tracking for over 40 different biological symptoms. “Glow Scoops,” a resource section built into the app, has an expansive library of informational articles on topics like egg freezing and menstrual health. You can also export custom PDF reports of your ovulation or fertility health charts to simplify the pregnancy process, and join support communities for issues like IVF, IUI, and natural pregnancy. Glow has a team-based mentality, including generating personal data that your medical care professionals can use to better know your body, and diagnose health issues early and efficiently.
Eve Tracker App
With a recently redesigned Cycle Chart, Eve is a savvy period tracker and sex app for women looking to take control of their health and sex lives. Eve is a spicier type of tracking app that includes the typical interactive tracking data, and also has daily sex quizzes so you can own your cycle and feel good in bed. The interactive staircase helps you see your menstrual history in a new light and has a community of women that discuss sex and health issues. Eve is also compatible with the Health app and has an interactive calendar view for every step of your cycle.
By Iris Farrou
19 Mar, 2021
Queer Health, Sexual health, Women's Health
Best gyns in Buffalo, Best OB practices in Buffalo, Best OBGYN Groups in Buffalo, Buffalo OBGYN, Chouchani MD, queer health, WNY OB-GYN, WNY Ob-gyn doctors, women's health

Many of the gynecological health issues associated with heterosexual women are also concerns of queer women, including homosexual and bisexual women. However, because queer women are not generally concerned with mainstream gynecological health issues, such as pregnancy and contraception, they may find it difficult to receive adequate support from healthcare professionals, or access unbiased and non-discriminatory resources. It should also not be forgotten that minority populations tend to experience higher levels of social anxiety, stress, and depression. As such, the higher levels of mental healthcare that queer women need, along with the lack of resources targeted specifically to them, places them at a precarious position when it comes to sexual and gynecological health.
Gynecological Care Tips
While the following tips and areas of concern to be noted may not apply to everyone, as sexual health depends on sexual preferences, family history, overall health, and health among other factors, these have been identified as the most common areas of concern among queer women.
- Bacterial Vaginosis: Lesbian women that seek care for bacterial vaginosis at women’s health clinics have been found to be twice the rate compared to heterosexual women. Bacterial vaginosis has been found to be associated with a higher number of female sexual partners, though its transmission mechanism is only hypothesized to be oral sex.
- Yeast Infection: Though not identified as a sexually transmitted infection, yeast infections can occur through direct skin contact with someone who harbors the organism. As far as lesbian sexual relations are concerned, this transmission may occur due to vulva-to-vulva connection, or through the transmission of the bacteria from the fingers to the vagina.
- Herpes, HPV, Hepatitis: Common as these are, they are also present in queer women’s intimate relationships—vaccinations against these infections, as well as practicing safe sex and maintaining personal hygiene and health minimize the risk of contraction.
Mental Health Care Tips
Sexual minorities do not only experience higher levels of stress and depression, but they also experience social discrimination and isolation. This can lead to a conglomeration of mental health issues, but most notably it tends to lead to queer women remaining silent when it comes to domestic abuse and intimate partner violence.
This silence is primarily associated with the general misconception that abuse is present only in heterosexual relationships, and it is also attributed to fear of discrimination. Though the discrimination and the experienced violence may be directly related, as queer women have been found to experience mental, physical and verbal abuse that targets their sexual orientation, it may also be indirect. Lack of training in part of service providers or discrimination in shelters create more difficulties for queer women who seek support against intimate or domestic violence, which in turn leaves them in abusive situations for a longer period of time.
It should also be taken into consideration that the fear of being “outed,” not receiving adequate support from health providers, friends, and family, or the fear of social and intimate isolation are factors that contribute to the higher rates of violence and abuse in queer women’s relationships. If you are experiencing partner violence, consider reaching out for support to a trusted individual, or conducting research on domestic violence support that may assist you in creating a plan to leave the abusive environment.
By Iris Farrou
08 Mar, 2021
Heart health
Best gyns in Buffalo, Best OB practices in Buffalo, Best OBGYN Groups in Buffalo, Buffalo OB-GYN, Buffalo OBGYN, Chouchani MD, WNY OB-GYN, WNY Ob-gyn doctors, WNY OBGYN, women's heart health

Though we may be more concerned with heart attacks in general, it is important to remember it is just one condition associated with the umbrella of heart diseases, which may also include coronary artery disease, valve disease, or rhythm problems—among others.
Causes and Symptoms
The cause of a heart disease may depend on one or more of the following risk factors:
- Diabetes: Women with diabetes have higher chances of developing heart disease than men. Additionally, because diabetes changes the way one perceives pain, it also increases the chances of a silent heart attack.
- Stress and depression: In addition to making it difficult overall to have a healthy lifestyle, stress has been found to affect women at a higher percentage than men when it comes to heart health.
- Smoking and inactivity: Undeniably the causes of myriad health problems, smoking and lack of physical activity directly influence heart health in women negatively.
- Menopause: A cause for concern after menopause is the low estrogen levels, which may lead to heart disease in smaller blood vessels.
- Pregnancy complications: Women’s long-term risk of high blood pressure and diabetes may be augmented if such health conditions make themselves present during pregnancy.
- Family history: History of early heart disease appears to be a higher risk factor in women than in men.
Symptoms of heart disease should be taken seriously, and be followed up with consultation with a medical professional, especially as they may resemble day-to-day symptoms of fatigue:
- Pain in the neck, jaw, or throat
- Sharp chest pain or discomfort, but also dull and heavy pain
- Pain in the back or upper abdomen
- Nausea, vomiting, and fatigue
- Indigestion and heartburn
- Chest palpitations
- Shortness of breath and swelling of the feet and ankles
The two main reasons for misdiagnosed heart disease in women is that it is typically thought of as a male problem—despite it being the number one cause of death of American women—and that the symptoms are sometimes dismissed as something less serious.
A study conducted in 2018 found that 62% of women reported more than three symptoms that were not associated with the chest area or with chest pain, compared to 54.8% of men. Additionally, 53% of women in the study confessed to their doctors or health providers dismissing the symptoms as not associated with heart disease. Only 36.7% of men in the study reported their health provider treating their symptoms as something less.
Health Tips
Maintaining your overall health is important in preventing heart disease, but you may want to pay more particular attention to alcohol consumption and smoking, as well as add regular exercise to your routine. Managing and lowering stress levels and depression is also optimal, as is a diet that assists your overall health.
By Iris Farrou
26 Feb, 2021
Lifestyle Tips, Sexual health
Best gyns in Buffalo, Best OB practices in Buffalo, Best OBGYN Groups in Buffalo, Buffalo OB-GYN, Buffalo OBGYN, Chouchani MD, WNY OB-GYN, WNY Ob-gyn doctors, WNY OBGYN, women's health

According to the CDC, human papillomavirus (HPV) is the most common sexually transmitted infection (STI), while other sources report that about 14 million people become infected every year. Both men and women can contract HPV. It is estimated that though 80% of sexually active individuals are likely to have it during their life, not all of them know they have the virus. Some types of the virus can cause warts or cancer, while other types go away on their own. However, contracting the disease once does not exclude one from getting it again.
Causes and Transmission
HPV can be transmitted relatively easy when skin on skin contact with someone who has it occurs. Most commonly, this occurs with sexual contact and during vaginal or anal sex. It may also be transmitted during childbirth, from the mother to her baby. In many instances, HPV causes no symptoms, which can make it rather hard to even suspect its presence. Additionally, if you have contracted the virus it can take years to show any symptoms so identifying when you first became infected becomes a challenge. The most common symptom is warts, which are usually bumps in the genital area—either flat or raised. In other cases, when the virus does not go away it can cause different types of cancer.
It is recommended that you not only get tested regularly for STIs, and keep up with Pap smears, but that you also specifically request an HPV test. Regular Pap smear results do not exclude the possibility of HPV; in ages over 30, you may also want to consider screening for cervical cancer.
HPV and Cancer
Like with other symptoms of HPV, it can take many years after it is contracted to form into a type of cancer. Usually, the virus causes cervical cancer but it can also cause cancer of the vulva, penis, or anus. It may also cause oropharyngeal cancer, which is located at the back of the throat, base of the tongue and tonsils.
Though there is no cure for HPV itself, there are treatments for warts and for different types of cancer. The most usual treatments for women include colposcopy, where the cervix is closely examined for pre-cancerous cells, cryotherapy which freezes and removes pre-cancerous cells from the cervix, and Loop Electrosurgical Excision Procedure (LEEP) the removes the pre-cancerous cells using an electrical current.
HPV Prevention and Vaccine
Similar to the prevention of any STI, limited sexual contact, safe sexual practices, and regular health checks are good measures to stay safe. The HPV vaccine, however, increases chances of preventing warts and cervical cancer caused. Though the HPV vaccine recommended age is 11 to 12 years old and before the existence of sexual contact, it is still possible to get the vaccine even if you are sexually active already. Remember that the HPV vaccine does not protect against all types of cervical cancer and in most cases it is given in three separate shots.
By Iris Farrou
20 Feb, 2021
Women's Health
Best gyns in Buffalo, Best OB practices in Buffalo, Best OBGYN Groups in Buffalo, Buffalo OBGYN, Chouchani MD, WNY OB-GYN, WNY Ob-gyn doctors, WNY OBGYN, women's health, women's health tips

Polycystic ovary syndrome is a common health condition marked by irregular periods, or no menstruation at all. It is more common among women of childbearing age, but not exclusively. PCOS causes multiple cysts to appear in the ovaries, usually due to the overproduction of androgens. The most usual symptoms of PCOS are excessive hairiness, acne, and male pattern baldness. If symptoms go untreated, women with PCOS are at greater risk for heart disease, endometrial cancer, high blood pressure, and diabetes. It causes significant problems with weight gain and weight management, so diet tips and awareness are optimal if you have PCOS.
Insulin is a hormone produced in the pancreas and it helps with transforming sugar into energy. Women with PCOS have been found to have higher than normal insulin levels, and their bodies tend to not use the insulin produced effectively. This is known as being “insulin resistant,” where the body tries to keep insulin levels normal by producing even more insulin. Higher levels of insulin, however, cause the ovaries to produce more androgens—such as testosterone. Insulin resistance also makes it harder to lose weight, hence the challenge women with PCOS face.
PCOS and Diet
Though there is no one fit-all diet for women with PCOS, there is a general consensus agreeing that a diet high in refined carbohydrates doesn’t help anyone. Foods in a low glycemic index—such as legumes, nuts, seeds, fruits and other foods that are low-carbohydrates—and anti-inflammatory foods—such as berries, fatty foods, leafy greens—help with weight management.
To combat insulin resistance, consider adding the following high-fiber foods to your diet:
- broccoli
- cauliflower
- Brussels sprout
- red leaf lettuce
- arugula
- bell peppers
- beans
- lentils
- sweet potatoes
- pumpkin
- winter squash
To reduce inflammation, opt for a diet high in:
- kale
- tomatoes
- spinach
- almonds
- walnuts
- berries (especially blueberries and strawberries)
- fatty fish (salmon and sardines)
- olive oil
Other healthy dietary options include lean protein sources like tofu and chicken.
As with any medical issue, there is no one recipe for success; consult with your doctor or a medical professional if you need further assistance concerning your diet when diagnosed with PCOS.
By Iris Farrou
09 Feb, 2021
Best gyns in Buffalo, Best OB practices in Buffalo, Best OBGYN Groups in Buffalo, Buffalo OB-GYN, Buffalo OBGYN, Chouchani MD, skincare, WNY OB-GYN, WNY Ob-gyn doctors, WNY OBGYN, women's health
It’s not a secret that menstrual cycles causes all sorts of changes to our bodies, our moods, our hair, etc, but our cycle also brings about changes to our skin. You may be surprised to find out it’s not only during menstruation and the frequent breakout that accompanies it that our hormones are at work. In fact, estrogen, progesterone, and testosterone work hard throughout our menstrual cycle to ensure that they are causing changes to our skin. You can check the best laser hair removal in Las Vegas, NV and know where to go to get a glow up.
Shark Week
During our periods, and especially on the first day, all our hormones are at their lowest levels. You may have noticed not only the breakouts but also the lack of moisture—this is due to the low sebum production. It is ideal to consume more water to help your skin retain hydration, and to use a moisturizer or serum high in hyaluronic acid. Increased pain sensitivity is also noticed during that time, so try to avoid procedures that would be painful (like waxing). For the Top 7 Benefits of CoolSculpting, and the way it benefits the skin, it is best to check out this link!
Venus Week
After menstruation ends, our skin begins the process of producing estrogen anew. You have probably noticed that in the days after your period your skin glows more and may feel more youthful or plump. The increased levels of estrogen mean that collagen, elastin, and hyaluronic acid are created, leading to stronger elastic cells. If you want to help your skin with this turnover process, you can consider exfoliating. It is generally suggested that you use gentle and natural exfoliants and lessen the amount of makeup so that you give your skin a chance to breathe. Lowering your sugar and carb intake during this week will also help your skin glow even more!
Minerva Phase
After ovulation, female bodies pump up the levels of progesterone—the hormone responsible for “watching after” potential pregnancies. This surge leads to more sebum production, swelling of your skin and compression of pores. This is the phase when more oil is likely to be trapped in our skin pores, thus causing the dreaded breakout to commence. You may also feel more bloated during this time, as our metabolism tends to slow down. As far as your skincare routine goes in this phase, you want to ensure that you are using products that help with the excess oil: cleanse with a gentle toner, add a clay mask to your routine, or use spot-on acne treatment for potential blemishes.
Being cognizant of the hormonal changes during your menstrual cycle can certainly help you take better care of your skin, and possibly lessen the personal guilt that comes with blemishes or dry skin! However, there may always be other conditions that cause skin problems so always check with your doctor before drastically changing your skincare routine, or if you are on any medications that might affect it.
Any expectant mother’s goal is to deliver a safe and healthy baby, and the work to achieve that begins as soon as a woman realizes she is pregnant. From prenatal vitamins to diet changes, and more that are discussed here, women employ a variety of methods to boost their immune system during pregnancy. Did you know that your body actually lowers its immune defenses upon pregnancy to allow the fetus to grown? As a result, of course, your immune system becomes weaker and needs some extra support. This is especially important now, when COVID-19 poses an extra threat to individuals with a weakened immune system.
Immune Support Techniques
- Prenatal Vitamins: During pregnancy, not only do you have a weakened immune system, but you also need to be careful with your diet. This can often make it difficult to have a healthy intake of necessary nutrients, so taking prenatal vitamins recommended by your doctor is a good way to ensure you are boosting your immune system and your overall health. In fact, it’s ideal to get on prenatal vitamins when you start trying to conceive.
- Hydration: Staying hydrated is a good way to avoid illness and to help alleviate symptoms of it if you get sick. Our bodies need water, so extra intake of water ensures that your immune system runs effectively. Though there can be other sources, avoid drinks high in sugar or caffeinated beverages.
- Diet: A diet high in fruits, vegetables, and proteins has the ability to naturally boost your immune system and help you get better if you get sick. Avoid foods with high sugar percentages and other carbohydrates. This way, you are ensuring you are consuming the necessary vitamins and minerals.
- Rest: Though self-explanatory, a good night’s sleep goes a long way in boosting your immune system and in making sure your body is getting enough energy to stay healthy and to sustain a growing baby.
- Humidifier: Not only can humidifiers help alleviate cold symptoms, they also keep the air pleasantly moist and generally cleaner.
Pregnancy and COVID-19
Because pregnancy can cause a lower immune system, it follows that the risk of contracting COVID-19 is higher. At this moment, the World Health Organization does not specify different protection measures against COVID-19 for pregnant women, but it does caution to the higher risk the virus poses to pregnant women.
As is recommended:
- Wash your hands frequently with soap and water or with an alcohol-based hand rub.
- Keep recommended space between yourself and others and wear a fabric mask.
- Avoid crowded spaces.
- Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth.
- Practice respiratory hygiene by covering your mouth and nose with your elbow should you need to sneeze.
By Iris Farrou
19 Jan, 2021
Women's Health
Best gyns in Buffalo, Best OB practices in Buffalo, Best OBGYN Groups in Buffalo, Best OBGyn groups WNY, Buffalo OB-GYN, Buffalo OBGYN, celiac disease, celiacs, Chouchani MD, Low libido, WNY OB-GYN

We often hear about the effects gluten intolerance, or even over-consumption of gluten, can have on our health, especially the ways in which gluten can disrupt healthy digestion. What may be less known, however, is how gluten affects our sex drive and therefore may be impacting our overall sexual health. Problems with your libido might be especially present if you are suffering from undiagnosed celiac disease and may not be following the recommended diet.
What is celiac disease?
Celiac disease is an immune disease the destroys the small intestine; you cannot eat gluten if you have celiac disease, because your body’s reaction will be to destroy the small intestine. However, each person may show different symptoms: some people’s digestive system is suffering, while others may be irritable and depressed.
What can celiac disease do to your libido?
Celiac can cause bloating, gas, fatigue, and even depression. Though the mental aspect of how celiac may be affecting you is not to be overlooked, as chronic fatigue and depression can certainly have a negative effect on our sex drive, the physical aspect can be just as important. It is worth considering how much stress feeling uncomfortable due to digestive problems can add to your sex life.
Gluten and Hormones
Despite the physical effects of celiac disease, it is important to remember that gluten consumption may also lead to hormonal abnormalities. This is especially true when celiac disease causes malabsorption. Malabsorption can then lead to nutritional deficiencies, which in turn affect your hormones. As a result, your sexual desire—and in some cases performance—may suffer the consequences.
Gluten-Free Diet
If you suspect you may have undiagnosed celiac disease, it is suggested that you book an appointment with your physician to get a diagnosis. As with any medical issue, a self-diagnosis is not the best solution. However, reducing the amount of gluten in your day-to- day life may help with your digestion and possible hormonal imbalances, especially if you may just simply be intolerant to gluten.
It is recommended that you always get a proper diagnosis in collaboration with your doctor, or your primary physician, as a low sex drive may not necessarily be caused by gluten consumption; if there are any other underlying issues, a medical examination will help you resolve them, and it will lead you to a healthy diet that is appropriate for your body’s needs.
By Iris Farrou
06 Jan, 2021
Best gyns in Buffalo, Best OB practices in Buffalo, Best OBGYN Groups in Buffalo, Buffalo OB-GYN, Buffalo OBGYN, Chouchani MD, missed period, Normal menstruation cycle, WNY OB-GYN, WNY OBGYN

Irregular or missed periods happen for many reasons besides pregnancy. While most women have a period every 28 days, a healthy cycle can range from 21 to 35 days. So, it’s helpful to keep in mind that normal is relative to each person. There are many other reasons that can cause irregular or missed periods.
Most people have some amount of stress in their daily lives—let’s face it, in a pandemic, who isn’t experiencing some stress? Even with tactics to manage stress (working out, meditation, therapy, healthy eating, etc.), stress can cause physical symptoms, including altering your period. Significant stress can disrupt your hormonal balance, which may lead to delayed, irregular, heavy, or even missed periods.
- Weight loss/Too much exercise
While losing weight is usually good, losing weight too quickly can also affect your hormones. The loss of a hormone in fatty tissue called leptin can lead to the loss of other hormones, including estrogen, which may cause your period to be irregular.
- Low body weight/Eating disorders
Women with eating disorders, such as anorexia nervosa or bulimia, may also experience missed or irregular periods. In fact, women may stop ovulating if they weigh 10% below the normal range for their height. Gaining weight usually triggers the body to return to normal ovulation, but eating disorders are serious. Seeking medical help is imperative.
- Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS)
Affecting about 5% to 10% of women, PCOS is a medical condition caused by an imbalance of reproductive hormones. With an imbalance of estrogen, your period could come more or less frequently than normal.
Going on or off birth control may affect your cycle right away or even months later. Birth control pills contain hormones, estrogen and progestin, which stop your ovaries from releasing eggs. In fact, low-estrogen birth control pills, IUDs, and shots can even trigger a light or non-existent period. It may take up to three months for a period to return to normal after a women goes off birth control.
In addition to causing weight gain or weight loss, thyroid disorders can affect hormones, leading to irregular or missed periods. The thyroid regulates the body’s metabolism, which can alter hormone levels.
If you experience an irregular period with other symptoms (fever, severe pain, unusually heavy bleeding, etc.), you should contact your doctor right away. Otherwise, keeping a log of your period can help your doctor diagnose the issue.