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Celiac Disease and Libido

Celiac Disease

We often hear about the effects gluten intolerance, or even over-consumption of gluten, can have on our health, especially the ways in which gluten can disrupt healthy digestion. What may be less known, however, is how gluten affects our sex drive and therefore may be impacting our overall sexual health. Problems with your libido might be especially present if you are suffering from undiagnosed celiac disease and may not be following the recommended diet.

What is celiac disease?

Celiac disease is an immune disease the destroys the small intestine; you cannot eat gluten if you have celiac disease, because your body’s reaction will be to destroy the small intestine. However, each person may show different symptoms: some people’s digestive system is suffering, while others may be irritable and depressed.

What can celiac disease do to your libido?


Celiac can cause bloating, gas, fatigue, and even depression. Though the mental aspect of how celiac may be affecting you is not to be overlooked, as chronic fatigue and depression can certainly have a negative effect on our sex drive, the physical aspect can be just as important. It is worth considering how much stress feeling uncomfortable due to digestive problems can add to your sex life.

Gluten and Hormones

Despite the physical effects of celiac disease, it is important to remember that gluten consumption may also lead to hormonal abnormalities. This is especially true when celiac disease causes malabsorption. Malabsorption can then lead to nutritional deficiencies, which in turn affect your hormones. As a result, your sexual desire—and in some cases performance—may suffer the consequences.

Gluten-Free Diet

If you suspect you may have undiagnosed celiac disease, it is suggested that you book an appointment with your physician to get a diagnosis. As with any medical issue, a self-diagnosis is not the best solution. However, reducing the amount of gluten in your day-to- day life may help with your digestion and possible hormonal imbalances, especially if you may just simply be intolerant to gluten.

It is recommended that you always get a proper diagnosis in collaboration with your doctor, or your primary physician, as a low sex drive may not necessarily be caused by gluten consumption; if there are any other underlying issues, a medical examination will help you resolve them, and it will lead you to a healthy diet that is appropriate for your body’s needs.