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Skin and Menstrual Cycle 

skin, period cycle It’s not a secret that menstrual cycles causes all sorts of changes to our bodies, our moods, our hair, etc, but our cycle also brings about changes to our skin. You may be surprised to find out it’s not only during menstruation and the frequent breakout that accompanies it that our hormones are at work. In fact, estrogen, progesterone, and testosterone work hard throughout our menstrual cycle to ensure that they are causing changes to our skin. You can check the best laser hair removal in Las Vegas, NV and know where to go to get a glow up.

Shark Week

During our periods, and especially on the first day, all our hormones are at their lowest levels. You may have noticed not only the breakouts but also the lack of moisture—this is due to the low sebum production. It is ideal to consume more water to help your skin retain hydration, and to use a moisturizer or serum high in hyaluronic acid. Increased pain sensitivity is also noticed during that time, so try to avoid procedures that would be painful (like waxing). For the Top 7 Benefits of CoolSculpting, and the way it benefits the skin, it is best to check out this link!

Venus Week

After menstruation ends, our skin begins the process of producing estrogen anew. You have probably noticed that in the days after your period your skin glows more and may feel more youthful or plump. The increased levels of estrogen mean that collagen, elastin, and hyaluronic acid are created, leading to stronger elastic cells. If you want to help your skin with this turnover process, you can consider exfoliating. It is generally suggested that you use gentle and natural exfoliants and lessen the amount of makeup so that you give your skin a chance to breathe. Lowering your sugar and carb intake during this week will also help your skin glow even more!

Minerva Phase

After ovulation, female bodies pump up the levels of progesterone—the hormone responsible for “watching after” potential pregnancies. This surge leads to more sebum production, swelling of your skin and compression of pores. This is the phase when more oil is likely to be trapped in our skin pores, thus causing the dreaded breakout to commence. You may also feel more bloated during this time, as our metabolism tends to slow down. As far as your skincare routine goes in this phase, you want to ensure that you are using products that help with the excess oil: cleanse with a gentle toner, add a clay mask to your routine, or use spot-on acne treatment for potential blemishes.


Being cognizant of the hormonal changes during your menstrual cycle can certainly help you take better care of your skin, and possibly lessen the personal guilt that comes with blemishes or dry skin! However, there may always be other conditions that cause skin problems so always check with your doctor before drastically changing your skincare routine, or if you are on any medications that might affect it.