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Breast Cancer Awareness Month

October is best known as the month dedicated to spooky costumes and candy, but it is
also the month dedicated to Breast Cancer Awareness. Apart from skin cancers, breast cancer is
the most common one among American women. Facts show us that 1 in 8 women in the US will
receive a diagnosis of breast cancer in her lifetime, but the really good news is that 65% of cases
are diagnosed at a localized state–meaning that the cancer has not spread past the breast–for
which the five-year survival rate is 99%.

It is also encouraging to hear that there are over 3.8
million breast cancer survivors in the United States alone. The positive facts about breast cancer
assure us that science is working hard to enhance the survival rate for women who are diagnosed
with breast cancer, and is also making great strides to provide successful preventative

During the month of October, there are continued efforts to fundraise money for
dedicated breast-cancer research, to support survivors, and to spread awareness and information
to younger women. If you are in Buffalo, NY you may want to consider participating in the
annual Making Strides of Buffalo walk, which is dedicated to making an impact and saving lives,
organized by Roswell Park Comprehensive Cancer Center. This year, the event takes place on
October 22nd, and you can easily sign up for the event on the American Cancer Society’s
website. The event does not have a registration fee, so it is accessible to a greater number of

If you cannot attend the event in person, you can also make a donation, and keep
fundraising going by looking into the Matching Gifts programs: many employers will match
their employees’ charitable donations, or even volunteer hours, thus doubling the impact
individuals make on Breast Cancer Awareness! You can find out directly from your employer if
they are registered for a matching gifts program, or you can use the tool provided by Double the

Another great way to support research and other initiatives toward Breast Cancer
Awareness is to create your own fundraising events; many tech-savvy folks set up their own
fundraising pages, or they simply ask their loved ones to collect donations towards this cause in
lieu of birthday, wedding, or anniversary gifts. If you have an online presence, you can easily
bring people together through Facebook or Instagram Live, and even Zoom, to provide support,
share knowledge, and build a community.

Breast Cancer Awareness Month
