All Posts tagged Thyroid disease

Hashimoto’s Disease. Learn the Signs, Symptoms, and Treatment Options.

Hashimito’s disease is the type of condition that can slowly sneak up on you without warning. It poses serious risks for women, as its signs and symptoms may not initially be felt, seen, or sensed. Improve your knowledge and awareness of this dangerous, and often undetected disease, so you can give yourself the best opportunity to avoid a delayed diagnosis.

What is Hashimoto’s Disease?

Hashimoto’s disease, also known as chronic lymphocytic thyroiditis, primarily impacts middle-aged women. It is an autoimmune disorder in which your immune system creates antibodies that attack your thyroid gland—the small gland at the base of your neck. Your thyroid gland is an essential element of your endocrine system, as it produces hormones that coordinate many of your bodily functions. Hashimoto’s diseases typically cases inflammation of the thyroid, which can lead to complications of hypothyroidism (an underactive thyroid gland).

Causes and Risk Factors of Hashimoto’s Disease

The causes of this autoimmune disease are not known. Some scientists believe Hashimoto’s disease may be caused by a virus or bacterium, while others believe it may stem from a genetic flaw. Factors that may impact your risk of Hashimoto’s disease include: gender, age, and heredity. More specifically, women are more likely to be diagnosed with Hashimoto’s disease, and while the disease can impact men and women of any age, it is most likely to impact middle age adults.

If members of your family have been diagnosed with a thyroid or autoimmune disease in the past, you also may be at a greater risk of Hashimoto’s disease. Other factors that may increase your risk include having been diagnosed with another auto immune disease, such as lupus, or rheumatoid arthritis, or having been exposed to excessive amounts of environmental radiation.

Signs and Symptoms

Hashimoto’s disease typically progresses slowly over many years, causing chronic thyroid damage. Many of the symptoms of Hashimoto’s disease go undetected, and typically mirror those of hypothyroidism. Talk to your doctor if you experience any of the following common symptoms:

  • A swelling at the front of your throat (known as “goiter”)
  • Fatigue
  • Depression
  • Memory lapses
  • Muscle aches and stiffness
  • Joint pain
  • Increased sensitivity to cold temperatures
  • Constipation
  • Dry, pale skin
  • Brittle nails
  • A puffy face
  • Hair loss
  • A swollen tongue
  • Unexplained weight gain

Treatment Options

If you’re diagnosed with Hashimoto’s disease, your doctor may recommend treatment with synthetic hormones. Daily hormone replacement therapy may help if you are experiencing thyroid hormone deficiency. Use of daily synthetic hormones may be lifelong, though your doctor will likely regularly check your levels of thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) to monitor the proper dosage.

Talk to Your Doctor

If you have questions or concerns about Hashimoto’s disease, or believe you may be experiencing hypothyroidism, talk to your doctor. He/she can help you better understand your risk factors, or provide a diagnosis.


January is Thyroid Awareness Month

Learn How a Thyroid Screening Can Save Your Life

Thyroid awareness monthJanuary is Thyroid Awareness Month, and for good reason. An estimated 20 million Americans suffer from some form of thyroid disease, and up to 60 percent are unaware of their condition. Women in particular are at risk for thyroid disease, and are five to eight times more likely than men to have thyroid problems. By understanding the symptoms and warning signs of thyroid diseases, including thyroid cancer, and committing to regular check-ups, you can reduce your risk of developing a serious health condition.

The Thyroid’s Role in Regulating Your Metabolism.
Your thyroid is a butterfly-shaped endocrine gland located in your neck just above your collarbone. It produces hormones that help your body regulate your metabolism. When not functioning properly, it can cause your system to accelerate, a condition known as hyperthyroidism, or decelerate, a condition known as hypothyroidism. Symptoms of hyperthyroidism include rapid weight loss, high blood pressure, anxiety and insomnia. Symptoms of hypothyroidism include a weak or slow heartbeat, muscular weakness, constant fatigue, weight gain, depression, slow reflexes, sensitivity to cold, puffy skin, slowed mental processes and poor memory, and constipation.

Thyroid Diseases.
Other thyroid diseases may include:

  • Thyroid nodules – lumps in the thyroid gland
  • Thyroiditis – swelling of the thyroid
  • Goiter – an enlargement of the thyroid gland often causing difficulty swallowing or breathing

Thyroid Cancer.
Thyroid cancer is the fifth most common form of cancer in women. Women are at a greater risk for developing thyroid cancer if they:

  • Are between ages 25 and 65
  • Are Asian
  • Have a family member who has had thyroid disease
  • Have had radiation treatments to their head or neck

You should see a doctor if you have a lump or swelling in your neck. To test for Thyroid cancer your doctor will likely perform a physical exam, blood tests, imaging tests, and a biopsy. Treatment options depend on the type of thyroid cancer you have and how it has developed. Treatment may include surgery, radioactive iodine, hormone treatment, radiation therapy, chemotherapy, or targeted therapy.

The Benefits of Self-exams.
Examining your neck on a regular basis may help you identify lumps or enlargements that are indicative of thyroid disease. To perform a self-exam:

  • Use a mirror to study the lower middle area of your neck, above the collarbones, and below the larynx.
  • Tip your head back, take a drink of water, and swallow.
  • Look at your neck and check for any bulges near your collarbone.

If you do see a protrusion in the area of your thyroid, schedule an appointment with your doctor.

The Benefits of Screenings.
Thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) testing is a simple blood test that measures whether your thyroid gland is functioning normally. Ask your doctor about a TSH test if you:

  • Are over 60 years of age
  • Have recently been pregnant or have delivered a baby within the last six months
  • Have a family history of thyroid disease
  • Have previously been treated for a thyroid problem
  • Have had neck surgery or radiation
  • Have pernicious anemia (a vitamin B12 deficiency)
  • Have type 1 diabetes
  • Have primary adrenal insufficiency

According to The American Thyroid Association, thyroid function should be measured in all adults beginning at age 35 and every five years thereafter. Women taking synthetic thyroid hormone replacements should have a TSH blood test at least once per year. Women with a history of thyroid problems who are pregnant or trying to become pregnant should discuss more frequent testing with their doctors.
