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Staying Healthy During the Holidays

Healthy During the HolidaysWith the holidays right around the corner, it can be difficult to stay healthy and stick to fitness goals. The right mindset and practicing smart habits can make all the difference. It is indeed possible to survive the holiday season without your clothes getting too tight!

Establish Realistic Expectations: First of all, it is important to set attainable goals for yourself and to be honest about your expectations. It is perfectly normal to want to enjoy the sweet and savory treats that proliferate around holiday time. Think about how to achieve an appropriate healthy balance during this time. If weight loss is your goal, perhaps this is not the time to lose a significant amount of weight. Understanding that ahead of time will prevent you from feeling like a failure.

Indulge on Individual Occasions, not a Season: Avoid the “all-or-nothing” mindset that you are either 100% sticking to your healthy plan or “cheating” for the whole season. Allow yourself to indulge on certain days and keep to a routine on the other days. If you host a party, send leftovers home with your guests or bring them to work. Leaving treats in the house may cause these occasional indulgences to become staples.

Prepare Ahead of Time: With so many temptations at holiday parties, grocery stores, and even the breakroom at the office, it’s important to plan ahead. When preparing to run errands or go grocery shopping, eat a filling snack such as an apple or nuts to stave off hunger. This can also come in handy while baking, which can help control the temptation to graze on sweet ingredients. Having a snack or a small meal before holiday parties can help to avoid overeating.

Enjoy Smartly with Portion Control: Avoiding all of your favorite treats at holiday time will make you feel deprived and could lead to overeating. Choose some of your favorites and enjoy them in moderation. Try the “one plate” rule. Allow yourself one small plate of appetizers, one full plate of food for your main meal, and one dessert. Since alcohol is calorie dense and also lowers inhibitions, choose one drink to enjoy. Wine, wine spritzers, and light beer are better choices than mixed drinks with soda or fruit juice or sugary drinks like pina coladas and margaritas.

Work in Movement Creatively: It may be difficult to stick to your normal workout routine, so find other ways to incorporate extra movement. When holiday shopping, running errands, or even at work, park your car in the furthest part of the parking lot to get in some extra steps. Take the stairs instead of the elevator. Squeeze in activity any way that you can, such as taking walk breaks or doing exercises such as squats or jumping jacks.

Set Boundaries and Take Time for Yourself: The holidays can be a very stressful and busy time. Do not let your own needs become lost in the holiday haze. Take time to yourself every day, whether it is reading a book, listening to soothing music, taking a bath, etc. Don’t be afraid to say no to extra projects, activities, or requests for your time, energy, and attention. Create and stick to a budget, schedule, and eating plan that allow you to enjoy the holidays, while maintaining your sanity and health.


