All Posts tagged Nutrient Absorption


You may have heard the occasional old person complain about their bones hurting when the
weather turns, or struggle to eliminate chronic back and joint pain. Though there can be many
reasons for this, one of the most common is the silent disease of osteoporosis: it causes bones to
weaken and turn brittle and fragile. As such, the risk of broken bones or fractures is significantly

Unfortunately, if you’re not regularly tested for osteoporosis you may not even be able
to tell you have this disease until a seemingly minor accident leaves you with a broken bone…

How to Diagnose
The later stages of osteoporosis come with several symptoms, such as back pain, stooped
posture, minor fractures, and loss of height. You can, however, be proactive about osteoporosis
before you suffer those symptoms or a broken bone (seemingly out of nowhere!). The easiest
way to keep tabs on osteoporosis is a bone density test. Imagine osteoporosis turning your strong
bones into sponge-like structures. Bone density tests help compare your bone density to the
average bone density of a healthy, young, US-based woman. They are officially called Bone
Mineral Density (BMD) tests, and resemble an X-ray but with less radiation exposure. The BMD
results, along with other health factors taken into consideration, estimate your risk of having a
bone fracture in the next decade.

Getting Tested
As osteoporosis may creep up on you, it is recommended to get tested if you are a woman of
menopausal age with osteoporosis risk factors, or a woman over the age of 65. If you are under
65 but have a family history of osteoporosis and are postmenopausal, you should also get tested.
Breaking a bone after age 50 is also a good indicator you should get tested for osteoporosis.
If you have already been diagnosed with osteoporosis, and are even taking medications for it,
you may want to repeat BMD tests every couple of years. If you are switching osteoporosis
medications, it is likely that your medical professional will recommend you get tested.

Preventing Osteoporosis
There are several risk factors for osteoporosis, including age, sex, race and family history.
Women are at a greater risk for osteoporosis, as are all people as they get older. If you are white
or of Asian descent, you may also be at a higher risk. Some factors that can be controlled are low
sex hormones, excessive thyroid hormone, and other overactive parathyroid or adrenal glands.
Low calcium intake puts you at a greater risk of developing osteoporosis, as it contributes to
decreased bone density. Eating disorders or being severely underweight do the same, as they can
weaken bones in both men and women. Gastrointestinal surgery can also have a negative impact
on your bone density, as this type of surgery limits the available surface area of your body to
absorb nutrients, including calcium.
