By Iris Farrou
19 Jan, 2021
Women's Health
Best gyns in Buffalo, Best OB practices in Buffalo, Best OBGYN Groups in Buffalo, Best OBGyn groups WNY, Buffalo OB-GYN, Buffalo OBGYN, celiac disease, celiacs, Chouchani MD, Low libido, WNY OB-GYN

We often hear about the effects gluten intolerance, or even over-consumption of gluten, can have on our health, especially the ways in which gluten can disrupt healthy digestion. What may be less known, however, is how gluten affects our sex drive and therefore may be impacting our overall sexual health. Problems with your libido might be especially present if you are suffering from undiagnosed celiac disease and may not be following the recommended diet.
What is celiac disease?
Celiac disease is an immune disease the destroys the small intestine; you cannot eat gluten if you have celiac disease, because your body’s reaction will be to destroy the small intestine. However, each person may show different symptoms: some people’s digestive system is suffering, while others may be irritable and depressed.
What can celiac disease do to your libido?
Celiac can cause bloating, gas, fatigue, and even depression. Though the mental aspect of how celiac may be affecting you is not to be overlooked, as chronic fatigue and depression can certainly have a negative effect on our sex drive, the physical aspect can be just as important. It is worth considering how much stress feeling uncomfortable due to digestive problems can add to your sex life.
Gluten and Hormones
Despite the physical effects of celiac disease, it is important to remember that gluten consumption may also lead to hormonal abnormalities. This is especially true when celiac disease causes malabsorption. Malabsorption can then lead to nutritional deficiencies, which in turn affect your hormones. As a result, your sexual desire—and in some cases performance—may suffer the consequences.
Gluten-Free Diet
If you suspect you may have undiagnosed celiac disease, it is suggested that you book an appointment with your physician to get a diagnosis. As with any medical issue, a self-diagnosis is not the best solution. However, reducing the amount of gluten in your day-to- day life may help with your digestion and possible hormonal imbalances, especially if you may just simply be intolerant to gluten.
It is recommended that you always get a proper diagnosis in collaboration with your doctor, or your primary physician, as a low sex drive may not necessarily be caused by gluten consumption; if there are any other underlying issues, a medical examination will help you resolve them, and it will lead you to a healthy diet that is appropriate for your body’s needs.

Whether your child is back at school in-person, hybrid or e-learning, getting your child to focus on distance learning can be challenging. Parents are expected to be more involved and support hybrid and distance learning. But, remember, it’s also challenging to children because they are being asked to participate and engage with new learning modalities. Without an effective plan, it can be easy for children to become disengaged, causing frustration for the entire family.
Here are some tips for helping your kids get and stay on track.
- Adjust your expectations—hybrid and distance learning are not going to be exactly like full-time, in-person classes. Being in front of a screen all day is both mentally and physically taxing. While high schoolers can do work for longer periods of time, younger children will need more breaks and time for play.
- Make a flexible schedule—synchronous sessions (real-time video sessions with their teachers) helps structure the day and keeps a schedule, but it also leads to screen burnout. The amount of synchronous learning varies by school district, but many children are doing some work asynchronously (on their own). Making a schedule and dedicating time for all classes will help with consistency, but being flexible is recommended. This means, allow children to power through a task if they are focused and engaged, however, be willing to give children breaks when they seem overwhelmed.
- Take physical exercise breaks—sitting in front of a screen all day is draining, so it may seem like the best break is sitting and not looking at a screen, but actually the best break is being active. While some research claims that it’s best to get 10 minutes of physical movement for every 50 minutes of being stationary, incorporating as few as two (15-20 minute) exercise breaks in the day will immensely help you and your kids focus. Exercise ideas include short walks, bike rides/stationary cycling, yoga/stretching videos, and free weights.
- Reduce distractions by cultivating an ideal setting—when designating workspace for your family, do your best to reduce noise or clutter. Consider playing instrumental music or nature sounds to drown out any distractions that could distract from learning. Designate each family member their own clean, hard surface workspace such as a desk, kitchen table, or even a folding table. The key is to spread out enough so everyone has their own space.
- Rely on a checklist—help your kids stay organized by using a check-list system. Consider doing it by hand rather than digitally. Whiteboards are a great idea. Get one per family member, so that everyone has to take some responsibility for their own work.
- Give positive feedback—children need reinforcement and they are likely getting less from their actual teachers in hybrid and distance learning situations. Be sure to give your kids positive reinforcement when they have done a good job.
Above all else, stay positive and keep moving forward. Change is inevitable. Do your best to be adaptable to better handle and adjust to changing learning situations.
Even if you didn’t have an established exercise routine, moms-to-be should begin incorporating activity into your lifestyle. Staying active and healthy is not only great for the moms, but also for the baby. Below are the best exercises to preform while pregnant.
Walking, yes, walking!
The benefits of walking are underrated. While it’s a monotonous part of everyday life, walking represents an easy way to begin a healthy routine. A main benefit is that it’s easy and free! No gym membership, expensive equipment, or gear required.
How much? Start off by shooting for a minimum of 15-20 continuous minutes per day, while working up to 30-45 minutes per day. With the endless variety of step counter apps and products, it’s easy to monitor your pace and distance.
New to walking? If so, aim to walk one mile per day for the first couple weeks, then increase to 1.5 miles per day to reach approximately 30 minutes total. It’s best to perform all 30 minutes at once, but many studies point to a minimum of 10 minutes at a time to see improved health. So, splitting it up into three 10-minute sessions throughout your day will also work! Take advantage of 15-minute breaks at work and go out for a stroll around your office.
Is it safe? Yes, walking is low-impact and safe for nearly everyone! Be sure to have proper footwear and plenty of water.
Swimming and Water Aerobics
Water sports are great because the water eases impact and soothes the body. Some prior knowledge of swimming is helpful to get started. Prenatal water exercises build core strength and contribute to an overall active lifestyle.
How much? It’s best to hit the water at least three times per week for 30 minutes to see and feel increased health benefits. Once you get going, five 30-minute sessions per week is ideal.
New to swimming? Join a gym with swim classes or find a personal coach. It might be fun to practice in prenatal groups with professionals to guide you.
Is it safe? Yes, swimming is a low-impact exercise that is safe during the prenatal and first-trimester periods. Be safe and swim with others!
If you are looking to find a mind/body balance, yoga is the answer. By focusing on combining aspects of stretching, aerobic-type exercises, and deep breathing, yoga can help reset and quiet your mind, while toning your body.
How much? Most studio yoga classes are 60-75 minutes, so three times a week should be plenty. If you are an experienced yogi, practicing at home at home is an option as well. Look online for free videos in the 30-minute range. Aiming for 30 minutes per day would be most beneficial.
New to yoga? Until you’ve mastered the basic moves, it’s recommended to start at a studio where instructors can help fix and guide your alignment in poses. Once you are experienced, it’s inexpensive and easy to practice at home. All you need is access to a TV or computer and a yoga mat. If you have limited flexibility, consider investing in two yoga blocks and a strap to help make poses accessible.
Is it safe? Yes, but keep in mind not all poses will be accessible to you during pregnancy. Avoid backbends, twits, and headstands. Hot yoga is also not recommended. Many gyms offer, or even specialize in, prenatal and pregnancy-focused classes. And many teachers can give you modified poses if they are aware that you are pregnant.
Stationary Bikes/Cycling
If you are looking for a cardio fix to keep the blood pumping, consider a stationary bike or spin-class gym membership. While bicycles are a low-impact exercise, it’s recommended to limit riding to stationary bikes during pregnancy due the dangers of the open road.
How much? If you own a stationary bike, try for 30 minutes per day to remain active and healthy. However, if you plan to hit spin classes or open gym time, three sessions are ideal.
New to cycling? It’s never too late to learn how to ride a bike, especially a stationary bike. Just hop on and start peddling. Consider investing in a stationary bike, as it’s typically a less expensive long-term investment than a gym membership. If you are on a budget, check garage sales and online for-sale websites to find a used model. Owning your own bike will save the time and effort it takes to get yourself to the gym.
Is it safe? Yes, but don’t push yourself too far. Avoid super competitive spin classes; look for prenatal or pregnancy friendly classes when possible. You can always back off if need be and stay seated instead of standing during class. Something to keep in mind—your center of gravity can shift during pregnancy, so take it slow and be safe.
Overall Tips for Exercising When Pregnant
Keep in mind, you may be tired or nauseous, so take it easy. Start slow and build up to your desired workout goals.
- Stay hydrated. You and your baby need fluids, so fill up the large water bottle before you head out.
- Wear the correct footwear or attire to stay safe. While swimming and yoga are practiced barefoot, cycling and walking require proper athletic shoes.
- Don’t be scared to ask an expert. Lack of experience is no reason to be sedentary during pregnancy. Look for a pregnant-friendly gym or yoga studio and find qualified instructors to help you get fit. Odds are you’ll also meet like-minded woman and make some friends.
- Talk to your doctor. Above all else, when in doubt, consult your doctor.
What to Expect, and Why It’s Important
You’re finally entering your third trimester. That means that baby’s arrival is getting close, and you’re about to begin what may be the most physically challenging time of your pregnancy as your baby reaches its full pre-birth size. You can expect just as much support from your OBGYN as you’ve received in your first and second trimester. He or she will work closely with you to help you prepare for the birth of your baby in these critical final weeks. Here’s what you should expect from weeks 28 through 40.
More Frequent OBGYN Visits
During your last trimester, you’ll be meeting with your OBGYN more frequently. You will have a prenatal visit every two weeks up until week 36, and then you’ll be meeting with your OBGYN weekly. Consider bringing your partner or labor coach with you during your third trimester doctor visits. You can expect regular weight checks, blood pressure checks, and urine checks that will test for protein in the urine. He or she will also continue to monitor baby’s heartbeat and activity, and may also perform pelvic exams to determine if your cervix is beginning to dilate.
Baby’s Movement
Pay attention to how much movement you feel from your baby, and keep your doctor informed if you observe anything concerning or any significant changes. In your third trimester, you should be noticing that baby will have very active periods, and times when he or she is not active at all — both of which are normal and expected. If baby suddenly seems to be less active, eat a snack and then lie down for a few minutes. If you still don’t detect much movement, call your OBGYN to describe what you’ve observed.
Screening Tests, Lab Tests, and Ultrasounds
You will likely receive a screening test during your third trimester for group B streptococcus (GBS), a common bacterium often carried in the intestines or lower genital tract that can cause complications to a newborn if the baby is infected during a vaginal delivery.
Your OBGYN may order additional testing during your last trimester if you:
Pelvic Exam
As you progress through your third trimester, your doctor may complete a pelvic exam to identify any cervical changes. Before baby arrives, your cervix will begin to soften, dilate, and thin (efface), changes that are typically measured in centimeters and percentages. Once you reach 10 centimeters dilated and 100 percent effaced, you’re ready to start pushing, which makes monitoring changes to your cervix important.
Expect to feel tired during your last trimester. Much of your energy is being diverted to help support baby’s final growth spirt. Don’t fight the feelings of fatigue. Make sure you are getting enough rest each day. You may want to think about starting to reduce your number of daily activities, and toward the end of your third trimester, you may want to talk to your doctor about cutting back your work hours if applicable.
Nutrition and Exercise
Even though you’re approaching the end of the finish line, you need to stay the course with the diet and exercise plan you’ve created with your doctor. Be sure to eat foods high in protein, and eat small amounts of vegetables regularly. Also, be sure to get some exercise, such as a short walk, each day.
Baby’s Positioning
Toward the end of your last trimester, your OBGYN will begin estimating your baby’s weight and will work to determine his or her position. Your baby should be positioned head first in the uterus. An ultrasound may be ordered to confirm the baby’s position and to determine the level of amniotic fluid around the baby.
When to Call Your OBGYN
If you experience any of the following, call your OBGYN:
- You have any bleeding.
- You are experiencing headaches.
- You notice increased vaginal discharge with odor.
- You have a fever, chills, or pain with urination.
- You experience changes to your eyesight or have blind spots in your vision.
It’s also time to call your OBGYN when your water breaks, or if you begin experiencing regular, painful contractions. When this happens, don’t be alarmed. Baby is just preparing for his or her grand entrance.
Did you miss part 1 and 2 of our prenatal care series? If so, please check out the links below…
Prenatal Care in Your First Trimester
Prenatal Care in Your Second Trimester