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Have Your 2014 Resolutions To Get Healthier Gone Off the Rails? Here Are Some Tips To Help You Get Back on Track

newyearshealthIf you made New Year’s resolutions for 2014, probably at least one of them was related to health or fitness. And if you’re like most people, you’ve already started to fall behind on those resolutions, if you haven’t given up already.

It’s normal to find it tough to stay on track with a regular fitness routine, but let’s make this the year you take care of you. Try these practical tips that are easy to implement and can drastically increase your chances for success.

1.  Start a goal board.

This can be as small as placing Post-It notes in strategic places to keep your resolutions top of mind, or as large as a white board where you outline your personal goals and plans for the year. Putting your goals in writing, where you can see them, helps not only with visual motivation but also to chart your progress.

2. Create monthly goals.

It’s common to lose sight of your New Year’s fitness goals by mid-February, but if you have specific goals set for each month, it can help keep you motivated and on track. What’s your goal for this month? Keep it SMART— specific, measurable, attainable, realistic and timely.

3. Take small steps.

Drink 8 ounces of water every morning before having a cup of coffee. Exercise three times a week for 30 minutes (60 minutes if you are active already). Use the stairs at work instead of the elevator. Turn off all technology by 8 p.m., go to bed at 10 p.m., and wake up at 6 a.m. Prepare a healthy lunch and snacks for the next day before you go to bed. These little lifestyle changers will add up!

4. Create support for yourself.

Tell friends about your plans. Find a community or group—online or in person—that is on a similar path. Nothing helps keep you on track more than supportive friends, who can encourage you along the way and congratulate you when you have achieved a milestone. And checking in with your network helps keep you accountable for your actions and helps you celebrate your progress.

5. Keep on moving.

Sometimes setbacks will happen, but don’t throw in the towel and quit if you have a bad day or a bad week. Just keep moving forward and get started again. It’s never too late to start again when it comes to your health!

At Chouchani, Sayegh and Bagnarello, your health is our top priority! Please call and make an appointment if you’d like to visit a top OBGYN practice in Buffalo that cares about your overall well-being.
