All posts in Breastfeeding support

Common Breastfeeding Dilemmas Solved

compact electric breast pump to increase milkWhether you are a first time mom, or are realizing that each child develops differently, a woman can experience difficulties breastfeeding at any time. Though breastfeeding is a natural process and is one that is best for both you and your baby, do not be frustrated or disappointed if it does not seem to come easily. What follows is a list of six of the most common breastfeeding issues and tips for overcoming each one.

Latching pain – Nipple discomfort is common when a woman first begins to breastfeed, especially for new mothers. If pain lasts more than the first minute after your baby latches, however, check your positioning. The optimal position is for the baby’s mouth to cover more of the areola below your nipple than above. When correctly positioned, baby’s chin and nose should touch your breast with his lips splayed out so that you cannot see your nipple.

Clogged ducts – The ducts of your nipples may clog if your breast milk is not completely draining after nursing. If your ducts are clogged, you may feel a hard lump on your breast, or your breast may be sore to the touch. If you begin to feel feverish and achy, you could have an infection, and should see your doctor. To help your body to clear the blockage, be sure to get enough rest, apply warm compresses to your breasts, and massage them to stimulate milk movement.

Thrush – This is a yeast infection in your baby’s mouth, which can spread to your breasts. Symptoms include itchiness, soreness, and rash. You will need an antifungal medication for both your nipples and your baby’s mouth to treat the infection.

Cracked nipples – If you find that your nipples are producing a bloody discharge during breastfeeding or pumping, know that it will not harm your baby. Cracked nipples could be caused by latching problems, improper breast pumping, dry skin, or thrush. To lower your risk for developing cracked nipples, check your baby’s positioning. You may also want to try breastfeeding more frequently but for shorter periods of time. Until your skin heals, treat your skin with clean water or an over-the-counter lanolin cream made especially for nursing mothers.

High milk supply – Also known as engorgement, having a high supply of breast milk could make it difficult for baby to latch to the breast. To help your baby latch, first try hand-expressing some milk to begin the flow and soften the breast. Breastfeeding more frequently may also help keep milk levels in check.

Mastitis – This bacterial infection in your breasts can be caused by cracked skin, clogged ducts, or engorgement. Mastitis causes pain and flu-like symptoms, including fever. Antibiotics will be needed to treat the infection. Also try applying a hot compress to the breast and empty your milk supply frequently.

If you experience any of these conditions or issues while breastfeeding, speak to your OBGYN. Breastfeeding should offer an important emotional bonding opportunity for you and your baby and should not be a cause of stress, discomfort, or health risk. For more on this topic, please visit the breastfeeding section on the patient education part of our website or check out these breastfeeding resources in Western New York.


5 Great Reasons to Breastfeed Your Baby

ID-100172067If you’re pregnant or thinking about becoming pregnant, the topic of breastfeeding has probably come up. Maybe you’re determined to do it, maybe the thought makes you nervous or uncomfortable. In honor of National Breastfeeding Awareness Month, we’d like to share the following information about what breast milk provides to help you make—or feel good about—your decision:

Better Nutrition: Science cannot replicate everything that makes breast milk the ideal food for infants. The vitamins and nutrients in a mother’s breast milk are easier for babies to digest, and it has the perfect amount of protein, fat, and carbohydrates required by your baby. Best of all, the composition of your breast milk changes as your baby grows, providing him or her with specific developmental and nutritional needs.

Better Health: Colostrum, the first milk, has high concentrations of antibodies that help protect the mucous membranes in the throat, lungs, and intestines of your newborn. And breastfed kids are less likely to contract childhood diabetes, multiple sclerosis, heart disease, and cancer before the age of 15. Breastfeeding can protect your child from asthma, bronchitis, ear infections, pneumonia, diarrhea and urinary tract infections, and breast-fed children have a decreased risk of tooth decay.

Boosted Brain Function: According to recent research, young children who were breastfed as infants scored higher on intelligence tests. Breastfeeding can increase a baby’s brain growth by 20 to 30 percent. The longer and more exclusively children are breastfed, the more intelligent they will become later in life.

Bonding: Breastfeeding and the closeness and comfort that come along with it can strengthen the bond between a mother and her baby. Physical contact is important to babies, as it helps them feel warm and safe. And the skin-to-skin contact boosts the mother’s oxytocin levels—oxytocin is a hormone that helps breast milk flow and can calm the mother.

Better Health for Mom, Too: It’s been proven that breastfeeding lowers the risk of breast cancer, ovarian cancer and anemia in mother, and it helps you lose your pregnancy weight.

Still not convinced? You can at least think about giving breastfeeding a try—that colostrum you produce in the first couple of days is called “liquid gold” for a reason.

Need support?  There are many breast feeding resources available in Western New York.  or you can call us here at Chouchani, Sayegh and Bagnarello. Our goal is to help you and your baby get the best possible start in life.

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Pre-Natal Classes and Resources in Western New York

babykissbellyFor the best chance of having a healthy baby, you want to have a healthy pregnancy. Luckily, there are plenty of resources in Western New York that can help pregnant women do just that. Here are a few options:

Catholic Health’s WomenCare program offers a wide variety of prenatal classes, given at either Mercy Hospital or Sisters of Charity Hospital, including:

  • Prepared Childbirth – Designed mostly for the first time mom, these classes cover relaxation and breathing techniques and more.
  • Prepared Childbirth Refresher – This class refamiliarizes you with what to expect during and after pregnancy.
  • Preparing to Breastfeed – Learn about the initial breastfeeding experience and what to expect at home.
  • Twinformation Classes – These cover the special needs of twin pregnancy.
  • Baby Talk – Topics discussed include common newborn concerns such as bathing, breastfeeding, bottle feeding and more.
  • Sibling Classes – introduces pre-school and young children to the exciting role of being a big brother or sister

Kaleida Health holds prenatal classes at both Millard Fillmore Suburban Hospital and Women & Children’s Hospital of Buffalo. Their classes cover topics such as:

•    Labor and delivery
•    Breathing techniques
•    Exercises
•    Caesarean births
•    Recovery
•    Parent classes
•    Infant feeding and care
•    Sibling classes
•    Infant safety and CPR
•    Infant development and stimulation.

If you are interested in natural childbirth, you can explore the options presented by WNY Childbirth Education and Doula Services.  They offer an 8-week series of natural childbirth classes that promise to teach students about the labor process and help to create a set of skills and techniques to use in labor instead of medication. They also offer a “One Day Crash Course” for moms that have already been through labor and birth before, or for anyone with a quickly approaching due date that doesn’t have eight weeks. The crash course lasts about five hours and covers the stages of labor, labor coping techniques, coaching skills, and birth choices.

Other options include BlueCross BlueShield’s Right Start Prenatal Program for its members in Erie County and the Young Parents Program sponsored by Catholic Charities of Buffalo, which provides services both in the home and at the Ken-Ton Family Health Center and Mercy Hospital.

Chouchani, Sayegh and Bagnarello is an OBGYN practice in Buffalo where we are committed to helping our patients achieve a healthy pregnancy.  We believe in supporting the total health of our patients and our community. If you have any questions about how to have a healthy pregnancy, please call or contact us anytime.


Where to find Breastfeeding Support in Western New York

breastfeedEveryone thinks that because breastfeeding is natural, that it’s easy. But experienced nursing moms can tell you—it’s not always! If you’re planning to breastfeed, you’re probably going to need some support. Where are your best resources in Western New York?

At the Hospital

When you give birth at Mercy Hospital, Millard Fillmore Suburban, Women and Children’s Hospital of Buffalo or Sisters Hospital, you can expect to receive support from an onsite lactation consultant. Be sure to tell the staff when you arrive that you plan to breastfeed after your baby is born, so they can help you get started correctly, right away.

Most of these facilities also offer breastfeeding classes as part of their preparation courses for new parents-to-be. These classes are taught by experienced, internationally board certified lactation consultants and are designed to help answer common questions and concerns that you may experience during pregnancy. They should prepare you for both the initial breastfeeding experience and what to expect during the first few weeks at home.

At Home

However, we all know that what works one day might not work the next. If you were doing well with breastfeeding at the hospital but things don’t seem to be going right now, or if you just want some reassurance, both Sisters and Mercy hospitals have the Baby Café, a weekly drop-in center where you can get support and guidance from certified lactation consultant nurses.

You can also ask your child’s pediatrician if they have a lactation consultant on staff. Care Connections, a lactation center located in Amherst that serves all eight counties of WNY, provides lactation consultant services for over 35 local pediatricians.

Care Connections also offers home visits by their IBC-certified lactation consultants in addition to onsite breastfeeding consultations. And if you can make the drive to their Amherst location, they rent breast pumps and sell a variety of clothing and accessories designed to make your breastfeeding experience easier.

At Work

If you’ll be returning to work and plan to continue nursing, Millard Fillmore Suburban offers a special class called Breastfeeding and the Working Mother, which will help you prepare to return to work by teaching you to use your breast pump and store your breast milk.
And if you have a question in the middle of the night, there are several great websites out there full of helpful information. Try:

At Chouchani, Sayegh and Bagnarello, MD, we strive to prepare and support all of our patients who want to breastfeed to have a successful experience. In fact, we want any woman who wants to breastfeed to have a successful experience! Please contact us if you have any questions. Our team is here for you before, during and after your pregnancy.
