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Third Trimester

third trimesterBy the third trimester of pregnancy, you are probably already used to an overall discomfort and a changing body, but it is quite common that pains and aches become much more prevalent in the last three months before your due date! Don’t worry, there are ways to address this discomfort and make your body and soul feel more comfortable and relaxed to welcome your new baby.

Some Common Symptoms

Several of the symptoms you experience during the second trimester may continue into the third one, though many women report that morning sickness is not as prevalent. Your baby is growing and pushing on your organs more and more, so despite your own discomfort, the aches are actually a good sign! Many women report that they have difficulty breathing or have to go to the bathroom more often. Pressure on your pelvis, more of the baby kicking, as well as heartburn are also common symptoms of the third trimester. Swelling in your fingers and ankles, breast tenderness, and a protruding belly are also to be expected!


It’s important to have at least five appointments set up with your healthcare provider in the third trimester of your pregnancy: at 30 weeks, 34, 36, 38 and 40. Since heartburn is very prevalent, try to manage your diet so you consume foods that are less acidic and help balance your stomach and gut health. Though antacid preparations can be used, it is advised that they do not become the standard.

Troubled sleep can cause you to feel exhaustion but try to stay away from sleeping pills. A warm bath before bed can help you relax and ease your aches and a cool temperature in your space will help you not overheat. Try using a body pillow to support you while you’re sleeping, or smaller pillows to support specific areas and ease the tension while you sleep.

False Contractions

It’s quite common that your body will try to prepare you for labor towards the end of your pregnancy by creating false contractions. These are also called “Braxton Hicks” and resemble menstrual cramps or a tightening in the abdomen. There is no specific treatment for those, but you can change your body’s position, try some light yoga or light exercise to relax, nap if you can, and drink water. If those persist or even become stronger, it may be time to contact your doctor!