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Healthy Eating Tips

Healthy Eating

The vast amount of online resources on healthy eating and living can be overwhelming. On average, women need between 1,600 and 2,400 calories per day. However, there is so much more involved than simply targeting a number. Healthy eating involves some basic principles for food selection.

  • Whole foods: Choose whole ingredients over pre-made food, as processed foods contain added sugars. This means, opt for proteins, fruits, and veggies that are in their natural state. For example choose an apple over applesauce or apple juice. Consider adding honey and nuts to plain oatmeal instead of pre-packaged honey nut oatmeal. Remember, every choice adds up.
  • Lean protein: Chicken, turkey, fish, eggs, beans, and tofu are great sources of protein with low calories. Avoid fattier meats such beef and bacon.
  • Whole grains: Whenever possible choose brown rice over white rice and wheat bread over white bread. While white bread and rice may taste smoother, they lost many nutrients during the refining process.

In theory, this all sounds super easy. Of course, everyone knows chicken is healthier than beef, and we should all eat our veggies! However, so many people rely on packaged foods for convenience. Many women have families to also think about, so fast and convenient is important. Thus, we’ve put together a roundup of the best online resources to help you get started.

Meal prep: While it may sound like a ton of work, meal prepping doesn’t need to be an all-day affair. Check out 25 Healthy Meal Preps and Skinnytaste for numerous recipes to get started on meal prepping. Remember, even meal prepping just one meal per day (yogurt parfaits or overnight oats for breakfast, or hearty soup for lunch) will save you time and calories.

Time-saving dinners: Yes, it’s so very tempting to pick up Panera, Chipotle, or even Buffalo’s favorite, Mighty Taco, on your way home. It’s quick and your entire family will eat it. Eating out once a week isn’t too bad, but anymore than once and the calories will add up. Consider quick and healthy weeknight meals by opting for pre-cut proteins such as ground turkey and chicken breast tenderloins. Additionally, Buffalo-area grocery stores, such as Wegman’s and Dash’s, offer many options for pre-cut fruit and veggies. For fast dinner ideas, check out Cooking Light, Taste of Home, and Olive.

Helpful Apps: Even with making some changes in your diet with a focus on whole foods, lean protein, and whole grains, it may still be hard to find your ideal body weight. There are so many online resources and phone apps, but our favorites are MyFitnessPal and iTrackbites (similar to the Weight Watchers concept). Both are free (though you can update for a reasonable fee for a premium) and are easy to use. In addition, you can download the app to have quick access to log food on your phone.