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Healthy or Unhealthy? What Your Vaginal Discharge May be Telling You.

If you’ve ever wondered if you’re healthy down there, you’re not alone. Women’s bodies are complex entities, and it feels like they are continually giving us cues about our overall health. If you find yourself scrutinizing those cues, you’re wise to strive to understand your body and its physical signs better. An important indicator of your sexual health is your vaginal discharge. Whether you haven’t paid much attention to your discharge in your past, or you’ve always wondered if what you see is “normal,” it’s time to familiarize yourself with the signs of healthy and unhealthy vaginal discharge. Doing so will help you identify any possible symptoms of a potentially serious condition, and indicate that you may need to make an appointment with your gynecologist for a professional exam and possible treatment.

What is Vaginal Discharge?

Women first begin to produce vaginal discharge when they start to menstruate. Vaginal discharge is a way for the vagina to self-clean, and a means to expel cells and fluid. The production, consistency, and amount of discharge a woman’s body produces varies by individual and can change throughout her menstrual cycle—and her life. In addition to the menstrual cycle, factors that may impact a woman’s vaginal discharge include pregnancy, hormones, or the presence of an infection.

What Does Healthy Vaginal Discharge Look Like?

Healthy vaginal discharge is similar to the mucus that is produced and expelled by your nose. It may be light gray to white, thick, a little slippery, and stringy (think the consistency of some hair gels). Around the time that women ovulate, they experience an increase in vaginal discharge that becomes more slippery and stretchy (think the consistency of egg whites). Women typically experience less discharge during the days immediately following the end of their period.

What Does Unhealthy Vaginal Discharge Look Like?

Your vaginal discharge may be abnormal—a sign of a possible health issue—if it:

  • Is accompanied by an unpleasant smell.
  • Changes in color, particularly if it becomes grayish, greenish, or resembles pus.
  • Develops a foamy texture or is the consistency or cottage cheese.
  • Is accompanied by burning, swelling, redness, and extreme itching.
  • Occurs with vaginal bleeding that is not due to your period.

What May Cause Unhealthy Vaginal Discharge?

You will want to make an appointment with your gynecologist for an official exam and diagnosis, but if you observe abnormal discharge, it may be due to:

What to Do if You Think Your Discharge is Unhealthy?

If you have any concerns about your vaginal discharge, especially if you are experiencing pain or discomfort in your vaginal area or your pelvis, make an appointment to see your gynecologist. He or she can diagnose your symptoms and provide you with a treatment plan if necessary.