By Iris Farrou
17 Oct, 2023
Health Conditions and Pregnancy, New Moms, Parenting, Pregnancy, Prevention, Women's Health
blood pressure, early pregnancy health care, fact, genetic testing, geriatric pregnancy, Gynecologist, heart rate, high risk pregnancy, HIV, how to take care of my body when pregnant, level, Prenatal Health, prenatal visit, Rh, Screening, STD, STI, weight, when should I see a doctor after positive pregnancy test, when to see OBGYN
Finding out you are pregnant is often very exciting, and it may come with a ton of questions as to what happens next, how you should take care of your body and your baby, how to prepare for their arrival, and all the combinations of both nervousness and excitement! Taking care of your baby begins the moment you find out you are pregnant, and seeking professional prenatal care early is key to a healthy pregnancy and successful delivery.
What Do I Do?
Very good question! Most mothers have asked the same, so here is a basic checklist:
- If you suspect you are pregnant, make an appointment with your OBGYN as soon as possible. If you don’t have a regular OBGYN, call your insurance and see which experts in your area accept your insurance. If you don’t have insurance, before you look into applying, contact family planning clinics and community health centers close to you–those do provide basic prenatal care either free of charge or at a low cost.
- Your first prenatal appointment usually happens when you are 8 weeks pregnant, when a review of your medical history will take place and possibly a urine and blood test as well.
- For uncomplicated pregnancies, expect to see your prenatal healthcare provider once a month up until the 28th week, twice a month for weeks 28-36, and weekly from week 36 until delivery.
How Does this Help my Baby?
During your prenatal visits your doctor or nurse will check both your health and the health of your baby: your blood pressure and weight need to be monitored, measuring your abdomen to determine your baby’s growth is important, and your baby’s heart rate will also be checked at every visit.
Studies have shown that babies of mothers who receive no form of prenatal care whatsoever are three times more likely to have birth complications or low birth weight. It is understandable that if your insurance doesn’t cover the cost of all suggested prenatal exams and tests, you may not be able to afford them all. Some tests are screening tests, meaning that they detect risks of possible health problems; based on their results, your doctor may suggest diagnostic tests to get more accurate results.
What are some of the tests?
First and foremost your doctor needs to know your blood type and Rh factor, as well as any STIs, infections, or HIV. Genetic testing may be suggested to diagnose birth defects or possible genetic conditions, tests for chromosomal abnormalities, gestational diabetes test, glucose tolerance test, as well as regular urine tests and ultrasounds.
By Iris Farrou
05 Aug, 2022
Lifestyle Tips, Prevention, Procedures, Queer Health, Reproductive health, Sexual health, Women's Health
BRCA Gene, Cancer Screening, Cervical Health, how often pap smear, How often should you see OBGYN, HPV, Pap smear, Regular STD Testing, Screening, Test, When Should I Start Seeing a Gynecologist
The most common gynecological care procedure may be the Pap Smear—and it’s no secret that
it revolutionized women’s health and made it widely accessible—but a close second is cervical
cancer screening. Now, don’t let the words scare you: it doesn’t mean you have to get this
screening done if you are suspecting you have cancerous cells. It simply means this screening
tests specifically for evidence of HPV in the uterine cervix. A Pap Smear, on the other hand, tests
for precancerous cells on the cervix—cells that may turn cancerous if not treated correctly.

How does it happen?
Cervical cancer screening is a similar procedure to a Pap Smear: they both happen in a clinic, a
medical office, or a community health center. It’s common to get those tests done during a pelvic
examination. Much like the Pap Smear, using a vaginal speculum, the medical professional will
collect cells and mucus from the cervix and vagina and send them for lab testing. A Pap Smear
checks to see if the cells look generally normal. A cervical cancer screening specifically tests the
cells for HPV.
Why do I need it?
Remember the primary goal of a cervical screening is to routinely look for abnormal cervical
cells with severe cell changes so they can be removed, and cancerous cells can be stopped from
developing. It is a routine examination for anyone who has a uterine cervix and is sexually
active. Nearly all types of cervical cancer are caused by sexually transmitted HPV. A secondary
goal of this screening is to identify cervical cancers at an early stage so they can be treated
successfully and avoid further problems.
When should I get tested?
Most sources suggest that you should start getting Pap Smears and Cervical Screenings after the
age of 21. However, many people are sexually active before that age—you should be getting
regular routine examinations as soon as your become sexually active. The standard suggestion is
to be screened every 3 years, considering your results come back normal, but if you have
personal concerns and the ability to be tested every year—better safe than sorry!
If you are older than 65 and have had regular tests and satisfying results for several years in a
row or have had your cervix removed for non-cancer related reasons, you may not need to be
screened anymore. However, that is still a personal decision, and you are entitled to be keeping
as many tabs on your health as you want.