All Posts tagged How to quit smoking when pregnant

Smoking While Pregnant

smoking while pregnant

The first thing that anyone will tell you is that smoking while pregnant is not good for the health of you or your baby. More specifically, it can cause an early delivery or a baby to be born too small. It can also cause certain birth defects, or even stillbirth. You should also remember that second-hand smoking or being exposed to tobacco smoke while pregnant can also cause serious issues. Though quitting before your pregnancy is ideal, early on during your term is the next best. Whatever the case may be, it is never too late during your pregnancy to quit smoking.

Studies show that about 10% of women smoke while pregnant, though this does not justify it. The percentage is higher among women who have been diagnosed with psychiatric problems. Since smoking is an addiction, it is likely that many women cease for the duration of their pregnancy but revert to it after their baby is born. With post-partum depression lurking, mothers who were smokers are more likely to go back to smoking even if they are still breastfeeding.

Birth Defects

Babies born to mothers who smoked during their pregnancy are more likely to have an orofacial cleft, which is a defect of the mouth and lip. A cleft lip can happen between the 4th and 7th week of pregnancy, if the tissue that forms the facial structures of the baby does not join completely at the lip, and possibly palate, before birth.

Babies who are exposed to other people’s tobacco are more likely to develop ear and lung infections, such as bronchitis and pneumonia. Second-hand smoking in this manner can also trigger asthma attacks, and it increases the risk of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome.

Nicotine Products

In their effort to quit smoking, many people will turn to e-cigarettes or other nicotine products. However, none of these options are safe to use during pregnancy as nicotine can damage a developing baby’s brain and lungs. On top of the danger nicotine poses, some of the flavorings used in e-cigarettes are also harmful to a developing baby.

Smoking and Breastfeeding

Though many women will pause smoking for the duration of their pregnancy, it is likely that they relapse after their baby is born. Nicotine and other chemicals are transferred into the breast milk at high levels, and you may be surprised to know that the amount of nicotine that accumulates in the breast milk and transfers to the baby is double that of the amount transferred through the placenta.

Women who smoke are more likely to have a lower milk supply, and to wean their babies faster than women who do not smoke during breastfeeding.

If you are considering a pregnancy, and are struggling with quitting smoking seek advice from your healthcare provider or doctor, and develop a quitting plan as early as possible to protect your health and the health of your baby.


5 Tips to Help You Quit Smoking When You’re Pregnant

ID-100104670You may already know how hard it is to try to quit smoking. You get cravings, you get irritable, and you find yourself fighting the urge to have “just one” cigarette. But now that you’re pregnant, you know it’s never been more important to quit. Here are some tips to help you be successful and have a healthier pregnancy:

1. Have a plan

The first step toward setting yourself up for success? Setting up a plan. Quitting smoking isn’t as easy as just throwing your last pack away. You need to know what you’re going to do when those cravings hit.

  • Set a quit date. Make it public, and make yourself accountable, by telling your friends, family and co-workers. And make it as soon as possible!
  • Figure out which way will work best for you—going cold turkey or cutting back gradually.
  • Have a strategy for handling cravings. They can be difficult, so remind yourself that they only last a few minutes. Chew a piece of gum, have a piece of candy, go for a quick walk or make a phone call. Do something that distracts your mind for a few minutes until the craving passes.

2. Ask for support from people around you

Support from your friends, family and co-workers can double your chances of success. For example, if any of them are ex-smokers, ask if you can give them a quick call when a strong craving hits. If any of them still smoke, ask them not to smoke in front of you.

3. Talk to your doctor or other healthcare practitioner

However you decide to quit smoking, your doctor can help you. He or she can give you information about local support programs, talk to you about nicotine replacement therapy and encourage you through a difficult time. Continue to be honest with your practitioner over the course of the pregnancy about your successes and setbacks, so they can pay extra attention to the growth and development of your fetus if necessary.

4. Learn to motivate yourself

Giving up cigarettes is hard work. But as a pregnant woman, you have one of the best incentives to give up! Keep reminding yourself of the benefits of quitting, both for your unborn baby and your own health.

5. Don’t give up if you have a relapse

If you do start smoking again while trying to quit, don’t punish yourself, and don’t give up. Your ultimate goal is to kick the habit for good, so just go back to your plan. Don’t think of yourself as a failure, and be assured that your cravings and withdrawal symptoms will fade within weeks.

At Chouchani, Sayegh and Bagnarello, our goal is to help you have a safe and healthy pregnancy. Please contact us if you’re looking for support to quit smoking, we can provide resources and tools to help you kick the smoking habit for good!
