By Iris Farrou
07 Feb, 2023
Health Conditions and Pregnancy, Lifestyle Tips, New Moms, Nutrition, Pregnancy, Queer Health, Women's Health
Healthy weight gain pregancy, How much weight should I gain in pregnancy, How to manage weight during pregnancy, Normal weight gain during pregnancy, Pregnancy diet, Pregnancy Nutrition
If you are expecting, or are thinking of becoming pregnant, it is possible that you are also worried about your body weight. Many expecting mothers have faced this worry before, as pregnancy significantly alters your body and is expected (and should) increase your body weight. At the same time, you want to make sure that you experience a healthy pregnancy and don’t put yourself or your baby in danger. First of all, you should remember your baby weighs around 7-8 pounds– that’s a big chunk of pregnancy weight! Additionally, your placenta, a larger uterus, and amniotic fluid add about 2 pounds each. You will also experience an increased blood volume of 3-4 pounds, and increased fluid volume of 2-3 pounds, as well as larger breasts which add 1-3 pounds. It is important to remember that your fat stores, which are much needed for a healthy pregnancy and delivery, will add 6-8 pounds.
Though these amounts may differ from person to person, the general weight added to a mother’s body by the end of pregnancy is about 30 pounds. Most expectant mothers gain 1-5 pounds in the first trimester and 1-2 pounds per week in the second and third trimester. According to the American Pregnancy Association, a pregnant woman of relatively normal weight who gets less than half an hour of exercise every week should have a calorie intake of 1,800 in the first trimester, 2,200 in the second trimester, and 2,400 in the third trimester. It is suggested that you limit processed foods, sugars, and extra fats when you are thinking about your diet while pregnant.
The first idea that pops into mind when thinking about a healthy diet during pregnancy is supplements and vitamins. Though these are definitely important, and prenatal vitamins ensure you don’t miss out on key nutrients, you do need to decide on the specifics by consulting with your doctor or healthcare provider. It is ideal to start taking a daily prenatal vitamin at least three months before conception. Discuss your options with your doctor before deciding, as supplements need to be tailored to add on to your current diet, any special diet, health conditions, and you need to know about possible supplements that do not have a good track record and may harm your pregnancy.
Other than supplements, the principle of any healthy diet applies to pregnancy as well– make sure you consume plenty of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, healthy fats, and lean protein. Here are the nutrients that deserve special attention during your pregnancy:
- Folate and Folic Acid: this helps decrease the risk of premature birth or low birth weight. It is also a B vitamin that helps the healthy development of the brain and spinal cord.
- Calcium: you may already know calcium is necessary for healthy bones and teeth, and both you and your baby need it. Did you know that calcium also helps the circulatory, muscular, and nervous systems?
- Vitamin D: this can work together with calcium to ensure healthy bones and teeth. Vitamin D is most commonly found in fatty fish, fortified milk, and orange juice.
- Protein: you want to keep on intaking protein throughout your pregnancy as it supports your baby’s overall growth and development. You need at least 71 grams a day.
- Iron: remember that during pregnancy you need double the amount of iron that non-pregnant persons need. The body uses iron to make hemoglobin, a protein in the red blood cells that carries oxygen to the body’s tissues. If you don’t get enough iron during your pregnancy, you may be at risk of developing anemia.
By Iris Farrou
07 Sep, 2022
Diet & Exercise, Health Conditions and Pregnancy, Heart health, Lifestyle Tips, Mental Health, Parenting, Postpartum, Pregnancy, Prevention, Queer Health, Reproductive health, Women's Health
Body Changes in Pregnancy, body positive, Body Positivity During Pregnancy, Body Positivity While Pregnant, Eating Disorders and Pregnancy, Healthy Lifestyle, Healthy weight gain pregancy, How much weight should I gain in pregnancy, How to manage weight during pregnancy, how to prepare body for pregnancy, Weight Gain Support
If you have armed yourself with all the knowledge you can gather regarding the possible changes
on your body during pregnancy, then you are one step closer to dealing with the physical effect
of those changes. Some women, though they do know their body will change during pregnancy
and possibly afterwards as well, do not seem to mind it at all. Great! According to a survey of
more than 1500 women, just over 41% said they felt more negative about their bodies after
pregnancy. Which goes to show: the majority of women are struggling with body image while
pregnant. Not to mention what the body image stress is probably not helping the baby…

Is this only related to pregnancy?
Of course not… women in general are held to unrealistic expectations of beauty standards—expectations that the media and society constantly repeat. In recent years, this pressure for body perfection has worsened with the rise of social media. What is worse in pregnancy, however, is that the changes are relatively rapid, weight gain is almost always expected, feelings are exacerbated, and you may even be feeling alien in your own body. A vessel, so to speak. All of these are true: you will most likely gain weight during your pregnancy, it’s possible to develop stretch marks, and it is also a possibility that your post-partum body will not be 100% the same as your pre-pregnancy body.
This is a lot…
Yes, this can absolutely be overwhelming. Despair not! Weight gain is—and we cannot stress this enough—normal, and healthy for your baby. Also, if your doctor or nurse gives you the green light, you can exercise while pregnant. It may be light exercise, such as swimming or walking, or pre-natal yoga. These options help make you more aware of the connection between your body and your mind, perhaps take some of the edge off and your mind off of your worries and are steps to ensure the overall health of your body.
If you are concerned about weight gain during pregnancy, make a plan with your doctor, nurse, or mid wife, about your diet. Allow yourself the small pleasures without guilt: your body is participating in the miracle of nourishing a new life. There is no way to make this happen in a healthy manner unless you experience changes yourself.
What else can I do?
Honestly, don’t bottle up your feelings. Being insecure about, or even disappointed with, your
body image is completely normal. Share those feelings and thoughts with your partner, talk about
those worries with your friends. You may want to join a mom group, or even an online
discussion forum where you can exchange ideas with others on the same boat. If it gets too
much, you can always talk to a medical professional or a therapist. Even if you didn’t have body
image issues before pregnancy, it is not uncommon that future mothers start facing those worries
for the first time when they become pregnant. You are not alone in this!