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Make Your Health A Priority In 2015

Yes You Can ConceptIf you’re like thousands if not millions of Americans, you make New Year’s resolutions. And chances are, at least one of those resolutions has something to do with improving your health. Good for you! You only get one body in this lifetime, so taking care of it is important. Here’s how to succeed at keeping your resolutions:

1. Write them down

Research has proved that people who write down their goals are more likely to achieve success. Break down your main goal—to lose weight, to eat better—into manageable steps. You can also break it down by time: monthly, weekly or daily.

2. Start small, then go big

So many people fail at their weight loss or healthy eating goals because they try to go from couch potato to marathon runner in January or give up everything they like to eat nothing but salad. Instead, start teaching yourself new habits one step at a time. Start off with something easy, like a 15-minute walk around the block. Once you’ve accomplished that, kick it up a notch. Keep going until you’re at the level of fitness you wanted to achieve. As for food, don’t think of anything as “bad” or “wrong.” Just remember that food is fuel, and plan to fuel yourself with healthier options.

3. Pay ahead of time

If you decide to take a workout class or join a gym, pay in advance. Once you’ve handed over the money, it’s harder to justify not going.

4. Plan your meals, snacks and drinks

Instead of deciding at the last minute what you’ll eat and drink all day, come up with a plan for healthy eating for the week and shop accordingly. Pack lunches to bring to work, or decide ahead of time what you’ll order from a nearby restaurant. And you’ll be less inclined to visit the vending machines at work if you have a variety of healthier snacks to choose from.

5. Do it now (whenever now is)

Instead of saying you’ll start tomorrow, do something good for yourself now. Drink an extra glass of water, reach for a healthy snack, take yourself out for a walk or run, or take 20 minutes to yourself to relax and read. Little changes add up.

6. Remember you’re human.

Instead of dwelling on slip-ups, be kind to yourself. Vow to get back on track instead of letting one unhealthy decision derail your progress.

What are your goals for better health in 2015? Share them below! And if you’re looking for an OB-GYN team that makes your health a priority and helps you achieve your goals, call Chouchani, Sayegh and Bagnarello and make an appointment. We are accepting new patients. And if you’re looking for more healthy tips for women, check out the patient education section of our website.
