All Posts tagged breast milk benefits

Breast Milk Antibodies

Breast milk antibodies

Most people will tell you that breastfeeding does not only provide the newborn baby with necessary nutrients, but that it is also a great way for a mother to bond with her newborn—as well as an important way for the whole family to come together. What is not common knowledge, however, is that breast milk contains antibodies that can also be used to improve your overall health—and you don’t need to be a baby for that to happen! In fact, in many places around the world such as the Guangdong Province in China, breast milk is considered a hot commodity. The main reason for this is that it contains antibodies that combat diseases without causing inflammation.

Ear Infections

One of the ways in which breast milk can help treat ear infections is through the baby’s constant motion of sucking, as this relieves the pressure in the ear cavity. Additionally, many mothers report that a few drops of it in the baby’s ear help ease ear infections. This is due to the antibodies that can be found in breast milk. Ergo, it can also be used as a natural remedy for adult ear infections. Three or four drops at the entrance of the ear canal should be enough for this remedy to work.

Eye Infections

The most common eye infection, pinkeye, is treated with probiotic-laden, non-acidic liquids. Breast milk has been proven to be the most effective of those, tested scientifically and not only because mothers have been using it for a long time as a treatment. A couple of drops should be used in addition to the clear eye drops to treat infectious conjunctivitis. Be sure to consult with your doctor before using breast milk as a treatment of any sort.

Breast Milk as Ointment

The antibodies breast milk contains, more specifically IgA, can help prevent germs from growing on skin injuries. Some drops of breast milk can be used to disinfect an area that has a burning or itching cut. Similarly, it can be used as ointment for baby eczema; baby skin can dry easily and cause eczema which can be soothed when applying breast milk on the suffering area.

Breast Milk as Facial Cleanser

Controversial as it may sound, breast milk is a cost-effective solution to treat acne or skin disorders because of the lauric acid it contains. To use it as an acne solution, make sure to dilute it by first applying cold water on your face or acne-infected area; proceed to apply a few drops of breast milk and allow it to air dry. Wipe clean with a wet towel.

As you would do with any suggested home remedies, make sure that you consult your doctor and that you exercise your best judgement according to what your body needs best.


