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Conceiving Tips


Even though many high school teachers had teenagers convinced they could get pregnant simply by having sex (and there’s definitely merit to that), in adulthood things can get a little more complicated. If you and your partner are trying to get pregnant through natural insemination, there are a few factors you may want to take into consideration in order to increase your chances of conceiving.

First Things First would be to become familiar with your cycle so you can determine whether it is a regular one (every 28 days) or an irregular one (shorter or longer). That will also help you find out when you may be ovulating. You can use apps to help you track your cycle, as well as your symptoms on the days leading up to menstruation and after. You can also notice symptoms such as an increase in body temperature and more vaginal secretions on the days leading up to your ovulation.

Knowing when you ovulate means you can determine your most fertile days each month. On a regular cycle, this would be 2 weeks before you get your period. It can be a little more difficult to predict that on an irregular cycle, but it is usually 12-16 days before you menstruate. You can better determine this with the help of home ovulation prediction kits, which test urine for luteinizing hormone, a substance whose levels increase each month during ovulation.

The short fertility window spans 5 days before ovulation begins and the 1st day of it, and that’s when the chances of conceiving are even higher. Many couples wonder if it would be best to have sex every day during that window, and the short answer is: yes! The highest rates of pregnancy occur in coupled who have sex regularly, and near or on the time of ovulation.

Knowing the medical information about your body is definitely helpful, as is learning to recognize where your cycle is and being in tune with it. If you have an IUD, tied tubes, or feel that you need assistance in planning a pregnancy, you can always consult an expert and be in touch with your doctor. However, you may also want to take into consideration some of the following factors that contribute to conceiving:

  • Maintaining a healthy weight can help, as excess body fat has been found to produce more estrogen, which can interfere with ovulation. Underweight women can also suffer from irregular periods or could also stop ovulating.
  • Eating healthy foods that contribute to preparing a woman’s body for pregnancy by providing adequate calcium, protein and iron, and folic acid. Try to avoid foods that are high in mercury, as it has been found to enter women’s bloodstream and has been linked to negatively affecting a baby’s development.
  • Cutting down on alcohol and smoking are very important factors in not only maintaining your general health, but also ensuring your body is a healthy home for a fetus.

Keep in mind that stress can be a huge factor when trying to conceive. Lots of couples face heightened stress and anxiety once they embark on the journey of getting pregnant, which can lead not only to intimacy issues, but also affect a woman’s cycle and throw it all off-balance. Remember this may not be an easy process and being supportive of each other as well as seeking help when needed are key to remaining healthy.