Causes and Treatments for Vaginal Dryness and Irritation
Normally, your body produces natural lubrication that keeps the vaginal area moist; however, a lack of moisture in the area can lead to vaginal dryness. At first, vaginal dryness may seem like a trivial annoyance, but it can lead to daily discomfort, while performing normal tasks (standing, sitting, exercising, and urinating), pain or discomfort during sexual intercourse, and emotional concerns.
Vaginal dryness typically arises when women encounter low estrogen levels, as estrogen keeps the vaginal tissue moist. While vaginal dryness can be encountered at any age, it’s more common in post-menopausal women. Besides age, other factors that may lead to low estrogen and vaginal dryness include: childbirth, breastfeeding, immune disorders, and cigarette smoking. Additionally, the use of certain cold/allergy, antidepressants, and anti-estrogen medication can also trigger this condition. Vaginal dryness is also common after ovary removal surgery and during cancer treatment.
Even though vaginal dryness affects roughly half of women after menopause, it’s infrequently discussed with doctors because it can be awkward or embarrassing. Symptoms can affect self-confidence and sexual confidence, leading to anxiety. Some women may misinterpret the symptom of vaginal dryness and mistake it for an STD, creating even more worry and anguish.
Do not use douche, lotions, and bubble baths. Even though they might be marketed for vaginal dryness, they can make the problem worse.
Best Treatment Options
A Vitamin E 400 mg capsule applied into the vagina daily. If you make a small prick in the capsule, it will absorb faster.
- Cocoa butter wafers. You can also can insert one into the vagina each day while symptoms persist.
- Doctor prescribed solutions. Under doctor supervision, treatment may include application of local estrogen applied topically to your vaginal area. Typically, local estrogen will be in the form of small tablets or rings inserted into the area.
For discomfort during sexual intercourse, over-the-counter, water-based lubricant can help.
If vaginal dryness begins to affect your lifestyle or sex life, it’s time to speak with your doctor. Additionally, call your doctor if you begin experiencing any burning, itching, or additional discomfort. We are here to help.