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Newly Pregnant? Learn Why Prenatal Care is Most Important in the First Trimester.

Pregnant Woman Looking At Ultrasound Scan Of BabyAt the moment your doctor says those three amazing words, “Congratulations, you’re pregnant,” your life is about to change. Most importantly, every decision you make, you make for two people, and for every choice you make, you need to ask yourself what is best for both you and your baby. As you adjust your lifestyle and prepare for being a mom, know that prenatal care is most important during your first trimester.

Studies have found that babies born to mothers who don’t get proper prenatal care are three times more likely to suffer from low birth weight, and are five times more likely to suffer fetal death. Prenatal care includes regular visits to your OBGYN. Such visits are crucial to identifying and treating potential health risks early.

To prepare yourself for welcoming a healthy and happy baby into your life, review our prenatal best practices.

Schedule Routine OBGYN Visits

Plan to see your OBGYN on a regular basis during your pregnancy, starting in the first trimester. Your doctor will monitor such health factors as your weight, blood pressure, heart rate, breathing capacity, and general health along with the health of your baby.

Obtain Necessary Tests

During your first trimester, your OBGYN will want to schedule you for some important tests. This may include a pap test to check for cervical cancer, a Rhesis (Rh) status test, and a hemoglobin test. Your OBGYN will also want to check your immunity to certain infections, which may include a test for rubella and varicella (chickenpox). He or she may also want to test you for other infections, including sexually transmitted diseases. Your baby will receive tests too. Your doctor will likely want to schedule an ultrasound in the first trimester to detect any potential abnormalities or health issues.

Start with Vitamins

Your OBGYN will want you to begin your first trimester with regular prenatal vitamins to make sure you’re getting all the minerals and nutrients that you need for a healthy pregnancy. Even before you’re pregnant, if you’re hoping to conceive, your OBGYN will recommend that you begin regularly taking prenatal vitamins.

Adapt Your Lifestyle

Right from the first trimester you’ll need to commit to a healthier diet, and lifestyle, which means eliminating alcohol, quitting tobacco or any recreational drugs, limiting caffeine, getting plenty of sleep, and exercising regularly as directed by your doctor. Your OBGYN will also want to talk to you about any regular prescription or over-the-counter medications that you are currently taking and what may need to change during your pregnancy.

For more information on what to expect during your first trimester, and how to maintain the best possible prenatal health, talk to your OB-GYN. He or she can tell you what to expect, and can help you build a care plan to keep you and your baby happy and healthy for the next exciting nine months and beyond.
