All Posts tagged mental health tips

Hormonal Birth Control

hormonal birth control


The conversation around the side effects of hormonal birth control and contraceptive pills on mental health has been around for a while: you may have heard women recounting their negative experiences with heightened depression symptoms, or mood swings, when switching contraceptive methods. Though personal experiences are not medical research, they do warrant attention.

In 2016 a Danish study of more than 1 million women, which focused on analyzing nationwide health records, showed that women using hormonal birth control were more likely to be treated for depression. On the other side, studies conducted in the US and Finland have showed that hormonal birth control users report less symptoms of anxiety and depression. Though just what effect hormonal birth control can have on mental health differs, one thing is for sure: it does affect it.

Hormones and Mental Health

Though there are no mental health risks directly associated with the use of contraception, we do know hormones—and hormone imbalances—can have an impact on mental health. To start with, women are twice as likely as men to suffer from depression: this is a difference that starts in adolescence due to the changing levels of estrogen.

During the follicular phase, which is the time between the start of a period and ovulation, estrogen levels are high. However, individuals with depression demonstrate lower levels of estrogen at that time. Hormonal birth control is likely to affect the natural levels of hormones in someone’s body, and therefore cause mental health changes.

Types of Hormonal Contraception and their Effects


There are two types of implants: one containing the progestin etonogestrel and another containing the progestin levonorgestrel. Results of the Danish study concluded that use of the etonogestrel implant led to higher use of antidepressants, especially for teens. People using that for two years have also reported mood swings and depression attributed to the implant. The risk for depression seems to heighten with the etonogestrel implant, but studies remain somewhat inconclusive.

Hormonal IUD

The Danish study on hormonal IUD showed that adolescent IUD users were more likely to be treated for depression than adult IUD users. However, a Finnish study suggested that women using this method were just as likely to showcase symptoms of anxiety and depression as women who were not using it. Like the implant, there is some evidence that IUD increases chances of depression but no direct conclusion.


Combined Oral Contraceptives (COCc) contain both synthetic estrogen and progestin. Though the Danish study found that users of COCs aged 16-31 were more likely to be prescribed an antidepressant, several other studies have shown that birth control users are not more likely to have symptoms of depression. However, people using COCs for reasons other than birth control have been found more likely to have depression.

There are several other hormonal contraceptive methods that can potentially affect mental health, but the three examined above are the most commonly used. Results may remain inconclusive, but if you are taking a hormonal contraceptive method and you experience unusual symptoms, you may consider consulting your doctor or healthcare provider.


Body Image in Young Adults

Body image, teens, mental health

Body image issues are pervasive in today’s society. Approximately 91% of women are unhappy with their bodies, while only 5% of women naturally have the supposedly “ideal” body type as portrayed in the media. A negative body image in young adults can lead to many adverse effects, such as anxiety, depression, and eating disorders.

It is especially important to reach out to young adults regarding a healthy body image, as 95% of people with eating disorders are between the ages of 12 and 25. Additionally, it is crucial to keep in mind that body image issues do not only affect women and girls, despite common stereotypes. Research suggests that 10% of people treated for eating disorders are male.

In teenagers and young adults, there are many causes of body image issues. The list below, while certainly not exhaustive, contains some of the most common factors in the development of a negative body image.

  • Natural weight gain and body changes due to puberty
  • Peer pressure/negative friend group
  • Cultural differences and expectations
  • Unreasonable body image expectations from media images, celebrities, etc.
  • Family members or trusted adults who are overly concerned with their own weight or appearance or their teen’s weight or appearance
  • Exposure to material that sexualizes young people

In encouraging positive body image, the most important component is encouraging and open communication regarding changing bodies and outside influences. You can’t completely control the messages that young women are exposed to on a daily basis, but you can help them process and deconstruct these messages in a healthy manner.

Tips for encouraging positive body image in teens and young adults:

  • Set a positive body image example: Young women look up to the trusted adults in their lives to model appropriate behavior and expectations. Be mindful of the language that you use regarding your own body and avoid criticizing others’ bodies.
  • Communicate about puberty and body changes: Puberty is a confusing time for any teen to navigate, especially when dealing with seemingly random and rapid changes in their mental, emotional, and physical states. As a parent, teacher, or other trusted adult, you can help your teen deal with this difficult experience with open and honest communication regarding what to expect and how to process it, especially reassuring them that they are not alone and that what they are going through is completely normal.
  • Encourage positive friendships: Help the young women in your life build an accepting and caring friend group. Teenagers are heavily influenced by their peers, so while you cannot (and should not) choose their friends for them, you can encourage them to gravitate towards people who share their values and goals.
  • Foster healthy habits rather than a certain body type: Instead of focusing on a certain ideal weight or body size, encourage your teen to choose healthy foods that make them feel good and are also tasty.
  • Discuss media and cultural messages: Encourage your teen to question messages from social media, the Internet, television, etc., especially regarding body pressures.
  • Praise achievements: Compliment teenagers on their achievements, efforts, and skills, rather than appearance.
  • Promote enjoyable physical activity: Help your teen to find enjoyable physical activities. Make exercise about fun and feeling good rather than achieving a certain body type.

Eight Mood Boosters for the Winter Blues

When the Days are Darker, Shorter, and Colder, What Can You Do to Boost Your Mood?

Little boy enjoying playing with his young mom and dad. Toddler kid holding hands with parents. Children play outdoors in snow. Kids sled in winter park. Outdoor active fun for family vacation.On December 21, the day of the Winter Solstice, Buffalo will receive only about nine hours of daylight. The average high temperature in December is about 36 degrees, with a low of 24, and we accumulate about 27 inches of snow. In a month that brings such dark, cold, snowy days that it can be easy to sigh, sit on the couch, and adopt the mantra of, “I’ll be inside binge watching Netflix until Spring.”

Winter months don’t have to result in your seasonal hibernation, however. If cold, dark days leave you feeling uninspired, unmotivated, and unhappy, it’s time to change your perspective on winter and learn how to become the master of your mood. Here are eight tips to help you beat the winter blues this year.

  1. Stay Active. It may not feel as motivating to go for a long walk on a winter day as it does during the summer, but bundle up and head outside when the sun’s out, and you’ll benefit from exposure to much-needed sunlight, and endorphin-boosting exercise. Oh, and don’t forget your sunscreen. Winter sun can damage your skin too.
  2. Start a Project or a New Hobby. Once the holidays are over, your calendar may be pretty open, and without weekend trips to the lake to look forward to, you may find you have extra time on your hands. Rather than spend that time watching Netflix or college basketball all winter, try a new hobby or start a project. Maybe it’s finally time to try skiing (which gets you active, outdoors, and exposed to sunlight), or repaint your guest room.
  3. Stay Warm. Being warm is a mood booster. While you may not have much control over the office thermostat, keep your home heated to a comfortable temperature, and warm your body from the inside out with warm foods and beverages, like healthy soups and decaffeinated teas.
  4. Don’t Let Your Diet Suffer. You may naturally feel more motivated to eat healthy during the summer when weekly trips to your local farmer’s market send you home with fresh fruits and veggies, but you have to keep the diet drive alive in winter too. While you may be more tempted to reach for high-calorie comfort food on cold days, make sure you’re fueling your body with healthy foods to keep your energy up.
  5. Sing a Song. Music has been proven to help improve one’s mood. On days when you’re just not feeling motivated, or when your daily commute through the snow has you on edge, pump your favorite tunes and sing along.
  6. Seek Exposure to Artificial Light. A light box or UV lamp that is designed to produce mood-boosting vitamin D rays has been scientifically proven to help boost your mood. These devices are inexpensive and are particularly helpful for those who work long hours indoors, or who experience symptoms of seasonal affective disorder (SAD), a mood disorder often triggered in the winter.
  7. Stay Social. A simple way to boost your mood in the winter is to surround yourself with people who make you happy. Make sure you’re spending time with family and friends during the winter. When winter driving can be unpredictable, it can be easy to cancel plans, or not make them in the first place. Make an effort to get out of the house and spend time with your loved ones. You’ll all benefit from time together doing activities you enjoy. Volunteering is another way to stay active, interact with your community, and give you a reason to smile.
  8. Get Out of Town. It may seem like cheating, but planning a vacation to somewhere warm and sunny during winter months can give you a temporary break from the monotony of winter and help you push through the rest of the season when you come home.

Talk to Your Doctor.

If you feel like nothing you’ve tried helps you improve your mood or keep you motivated during the winter, you’re not alone. Many people struggle with more complex forms of SAD and depression. Make an appointment to talk to your doctor. He/she can diagnose a more serious condition, and put a treatment plan in place to help you conquer your mood once and for all.

And remember depression might be caused by an underlying medical condition, such as hypothyroidism or postpartum depression or a Vitamin D deficiency. The team of physicians at Chouchani, Sayegh and Robinson MD are here to help diagnose any conditions and discuss treatment options. Give us a call today.
