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Who is a good candidate for robotic hysterectomy?

Did you know that other than the cesarean section, a hysterectomy is the most common surgical procedure performed on women? And what used to be an extremely invasive procedure can now be done robotically through small minor incisions.

What is a hysterectomy?

A hysterectomy is the surgical removal of the uterus.

Here are a few of the most common reasons why a woman would have a hysterectomy:

  • Benign fibroid tumors – Non-malignant tumors can grow and become large. This may inflict pressure on other organs. Fibroids can cause heavy bleeding and/or pelvic pain.
  • Cancerous tumors – About 10% of hysterectomies are performed to treat cancers such as cervical, ovarian, or endometrial.
  • Uterine prolapse – Uterine prolapse occurs when pelvic floor muscles and ligaments stretch and weaken, providing inadequate support for the uterus.
  • Endometriosis – When endometrial cells grow outside of the uterus they can attach themselves to other organs and bleed each month. A woman can experience pelvic pain, pain during sex, and prolonged or heavy bleeding.
  • Long-term abnormal uterine bleeding
  • Chronic pelvic pain

Are you a good candidate?

If you have any of the above conditions or symptoms, it’s important to talk with your doctor. Drs Chouchani, Sayegh and Bagnarello can help you determine the best course of action for your individual needs. It’s important to remember that for women who have not reached menopause, having a hysterectomy means that menstruation will no longer occur, and pregnancy will no longer be possible.

At Chouchani, Sayegh and Bagnarello we perform the Robotic Hysterectomy with the da Vinci®Surgical System. Using this cutting edge technology, we are able to dramatically decrease pain and speed up the recovery process. Through tiny, 1-2 cm incisions, our surgeons using the da Vinci System can operate with greater precision and control, minimizing the pain and risk associated with large incisions while increasing the likelihood of a fast recovery and excellent clinical outcomes.

Find out more about what you should expect before, during and after a robotic hysterectomy.

Are you a candidate for this type of surgery? Find out more about this amazing procedure. Or call our office at (716) 633-6363 for details.


Robotic Hysterectomy — What should you expect?

Earlier this month we featured an article about what a Robotic Hysterectomy is and why someone might need this surgery. In this article, we also covered the benefits and risks of this procedure. At Chouchani, Sayegh and Bagnarello we perform the Robotic Hysterectomy with the da Vinci®Surgical System – which means there are very small incisions and a quicker recovery time than traditional hysterectomies.
