All Posts tagged causes of low sex drive

Sex Slump

Feet  in bedSome days you’re just feeling off. Maybe you feel slightly less motivated, or you just feel down, or disinterested. If you’re having such feelings in the bedroom, and you’re finding that the feelings have lasted for more than a few weeks, you may be in a sex slump. If you are experiencing low sex drive, don’t panic. Such temporary feelings can be caused by a variety of factors and your doctor can help you recover.

Sex Drive Factors
As women, our sex drives are complicated. There are several factors that impact our desire for intimacy, including our:

  • Overall state of health and wellness
  • Emotional well-being
  • Past experiences
  • Personal beliefs
  • Lifestyle choices
  • Current relationship state

With so many factors impacting the desire for sex, feelings of low sexual desire can have a variety of causes. Consider the following:

  • Illness. Illnesses such as arthritis, cancer, diabetes, high blood pressure, coronary artery disease, neurological diseases, and mental health issues such as depression and anxiety and reduce sexual desire.
  • Side effects of medications. Antidepressants and anti-seizure medications in particular can negatively impact libido.
  • Lifestyle habits. Those who don’t lead a healthy lifestyle can experience low sexual desire. For example, an overconsumption of alcohol, smoking, and the use of street drugs can impact libido.
  • Fatigue. Even when caused by a hectic schedule, sometimes our bodies are too physically exhausted to produce feelings of sexual desire.
  • Pregnancy and breast-feeding. A woman’s hormones change significantly during and after pregnancy. Such changes can reduce feelings of desire.
  • Menopause. During menopause, estrogen levels drop, which can cause decreased interest in sex. Some menopausal women even experience painful or uncomfortable sex due to other physical changes in their bodies, further leading to sexual disinterest.
  • Relationship issues. Interpersonal problems can manifest into very real, very physical symptoms. When you and your partner are not emotionally in synch, it can make it difficult to be physically in synch.

How to Reclaim Your Sexual Desire

If you are in a sex slump, know that it does not mean a permanent change. Talk to your doctor and consider these solutions:

  • Make healthy lifestyle choices. Exercise regularly, make sure you get enough sleep, maintain a healthy diet, work to reduce stress, and reduce your amount of alcohol.
  • Consider alternate medications. Talk to your doctor if you suspect a medication may be impacting your libido. He/she may be able to make a recommendation for a different medication that may not have the same side effects.
  • Consider counseling. If the issues with your libido are emotional, or if they are caused by relationship problems with your partner, your doctor may recommend therapy or counseling.
  • Ask your doctor about hormone therapy. Receiving supplemental estrogen may help to improve your mood and stimulate sexual desire. Be sure to talk to your doctor about the potential risks and side effects of hormone therapy as well.

Low sex drive can be caused by factors that are physical, emotional, and hormonal, but that doesn’t mean you can’t control your libido. If you have been experiencing a sex slump, talk to your doctor today about potential treatments and solutions to help you reclaim control in the bedroom.
